#unless people really read textbooks like that
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conanssummerchild · 3 days ago
it's absolutely hilarious to me that in one's got class and the other one dyes when luke and lorelai walk in and shane hides in the closet, the first thing that occurs to jess is to start reading his chemistry textbook. good job, very natural behaviour
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rambling-at-midnight · 7 months ago
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks
Pairing: Jason Todd x Civilian!Reader. No pronouns so can be read as any gender!
Summary: Meet-ugly with the Red Hood due to a gas station robbery gone wrong.
Word count: ~2k
(I'm branching out to other fandoms, apparently. Let me know if you want a sequel. Enjoy!)
You weren't born in Gotham, so it sometimes still surprises you that you had adjusted so well to its particular brand of crazy.
You're from somewhere a little more south of New Jersey, although most places in the U.S. are a little south of Jersey unless you're a lobster farmer from Maine or a tree hugger from Vermont.
Both of those descriptions sound critical, but they weren't meant to be. Right about now you're seriously considering taking up lobster farming.
No one sane ever moves to Gotham. Everyone knows the stories, and even if most of the country didn't believe all of them, most people aren't stupid enough to disregard them. And you certainly weren't stupid. But rent was dirt cheap for a city, and so was tuition for GU's vet school. So you thought to yourself, "How bad could it really be," bought pepper spray and a taser, and accepted the admissions offer.
You'd always liked iced coffee more than green bean casserole and peach cobbler, anyway.
Reading news articles hadn't been enough to prepare you for the utter insanity of Gotham City, unfortunately. But you adapted. You always did. Upgraded your taser, memorized the bus schedule, learned the less sketchy areas of town, did your best not to get caught outside after dark. Kept your head down, ignored the crime lords and genetic experiments gone wrong and lunatics and vigilantes scurrying along the rooftops, and you'd survived for almost two years without many incidents.
But you'd gone to the library because you were critically unable to work in your apartment, gotten distracted by panicking about how little you really knew about next week's test content, and stared at the pages of your textbook for almost an hour as you fought back tears. So now you were running late and it was dark as you walked home because the buses were down. Of course they were. That lunatic that thought he was a crocodile had smashed a bunch last week and they hadn't been replaced yet.
Goosebumps prickle on the back of your neck, but you tell yourself it's nothing. Keep your head down. Criminals target the people that look most obviously paranoid first.
You're just burnt out. Severely. But the end of your sophomore year of veterinary school was looming, which meant you would have a relaxing three-month vacation before the next one started.
And no, you weren't thinking about next year's summer 'vacation' of clinicals. Because if this year was bad after a year of summer vacation, what will it do to you to have no break at all?
That's a future you problem, thankfully.
You're still feeling sorry for yourself when you reach the gas station right next to your apartment building. You walk right by it, remember what's in your fridge or pantry—thanks, grocery store self, thinking you don't need any snacking foods—then backtrack.
Since starting vet school, you've tried to be healthier with your eating habits. Brains lacking in nutrients absorb information less efficiently, after all. But you're still a sucker for Cheez-Its and energy drinks.
You won't drink it tonight, obviously.
Right as you put the items on the counter for the bored-looking cashier to scan the barcodes, something cold presses to your temple.
The cashier freezes, eyes blown wide with panic.
"Easy there," someone says to your left. A man, voice oily in a way that sets your teeth on edge immediately. "Do what I say, or I blow their brains out, then yours."
A gun.
A gun is pressed to your head.
Because of course it is. A shitty way to end a shitty day. You should have kept walking right past the gas station.
Before you moved to Gotham, you might have screamed and panicked, but you know better now. You know to stay calm.
You clench your fists to stop them from shaking so noticeably, but otherwise don't move. You've seen hostage situations before, because this is Gotham, but you've never been the hostage.
The gun feels heavy. And so cold, like it's sapping all the heat from your skin.
"Okay, dude," the cashier said soothingly. "You want the money in the register?"
The robber scoffs. "Obviously."
"All right." The cashier's voice is even and soft, unthreatening. You wonder if training for situations like these are required for cashiers in Gotham. It certainly hadn't been for your old job, although that hadn't been in New Jersey, and it hadn't been at a twenty-four seven gas station, either. "I need to get a key to unlock it, okay? So I'm reaching below the counter."
"Just get the key," the robber demands. The gun shifts against your temple. You fantasize for a half-second about acting like an action hero, disarming him and taking him down all on your own. But you're not a vigilante and you've never been in a real-life fight before. You don't think you're fast enough to get out of the barrel's way before he pulls the trigger. If you managed to shove it away, what if he fired and hit the cashier instead?
Then comes the sound of another gun clicking.
Great, you think half-hysterically. Just what we need. Even more deadly weapons.
"Lower the gun," growls a modulated voice, and everyone freezes.
The Red Hood is standing behind the robber, also pointing a gun to his head like the meme of people lined up in a church with guns aimed at the person in front of them.
The robber lets his gun dip a little bit. Distracted enough that it's not pressed directly to your temple anymore.
Not to brag, but you recover the quickest. It's probably the adrenaline.
Thank God you keep your keychain in hand while out at night. Your fingers shake, but you have your pepper spray up in a second, and the robber's turning to look at your sudden movement when you squeeze down on the nozzle.
The spray hits him directly in the eyes, and his howl of pain is immediate. But you don't stop spraying, even when the cashier starts to splutter and your own eyes water.
The gun goes off, once in the robber's hands, and a second time when it hits the ground because he's dropped it in favor of clutching his burning face.
You stop the stream of pepper spray, because now the air is spicy when you breathe, but can't force yourself to lower your hand. The Red Hood quickly handcuffs the would-be robber, which is only difficult because he's clawing at his eyes in pain, and executes a tricky-looking martial arts move to get him on the ground.
Despite everything, you're impressed.
The Red Hood is bigger than maybe anyone you've ever seen before. He could have punched the robber in half like paper, probably, but you appreciate the finesse a little bit more.
"Hey." A gentle voice, and gentle hands, take the pepper spray out of your grip. "Quick thinking there," you're complimented. By the fucking Red Hood, one of Gotham's most infamous crime lords. The first time you read about him in the papers, he was chopping off people's heads, and every story since has been similarly alarming. But he's not supposed to be here; the Red Hood stays in Park Row, which locals call Crime Alley, apparently, and you've always steered very clear from that part of town.
"Can you look at me?"
You do. Maybe he won't chop off your head if you listen well enough.
"Are you okay?"
You blink. That... does not compute.
The Red Hood doesn't save people. And he doesn't leave Crime Alley. So what's he doing outside of Crime Alley, saving people?
The robber is still screaming, eyes screwed up in pain. He's handcuffed on the ground.
"You should probably let him wash out his eyes, at least," you tell the cashier. "Pepper spray is pretty painful." You'd sprayed yourself once out of curiosity, realized how much it burned, then sprinted to the shower to rinse it off. Which, pro tip: not a good move, especially with warm water. Water reactivates it by opening your pores, or something, and when you're in the shower it just spreads all over your body.
Your eyes are watering. The Red Hood sees that, because he tells you, "Let's get some air," and tugs you out of the gas station.
He's right. The cool night air does feel good. You blink away the stinging in your eyes and he repeats, "Are you okay?" His voice is robotic from the mask, but kind of pleasant at the same time. You'd never guess just from listening to him that he's a killer.
"Yes," you say automatically. "Thanks," you add. You're lightheaded for some reason; you sway on your feet.
"You sure?" he asks critically. "You look... pale." Judging by the pause, 'pale' wasn't the word he really wanted to say. The red helmet tilts. "You weren't shot, were you?"
"I don't think so," you shrug. Then you look down at yourself and realize that there's a large bloodstain on your hip. "Never mind. I think I was."
"Jesus!" he yelps at the sight. It's kind of funny, actually, this grown man built like a brick shithouse yelping at the sight of blood. "Why didn't you say anything?"
You shrug and peel your sticky shirt away from the wound to inspect it. "I thought I just bumped something." Sure enough, it's just a graze. You weren't sure which shot had hit you, but you'd honestly been injured worse. Plus, supervising surgeries at the animal clinic you'd worked at for years has desensitized you to the sight of blood. Maybe it's also altered your perception on what 'serious injuries' count as; the amount of times you've been bitten by startled dogs...
"You need to go to the hospital."
"It's just a scratch," you argue. "I can't go to the hospital. I need to feed my cat."
"Your cat can wait. You're bleeding a lot."
"I'm already late, and if I miss dinner, he'll start pissing all over my apartment."
The Red Hood sighs. "Where do you live?"
Your mouth opens to answer on instinct. You snap it shut just in time and glare. "Why?"
"So I can feed your cat for you while you go to the hospital."
It's nice of him to offer, but... "No."
Maybe it's not the best idea to refuse Gotham's most prominent crime lord, but it would also be pretty stupid to tell a strange man where you live. Especially when he happens to be said crime lord.
"Look," you sigh. "I'm a vet student. I have surgical tools at home to treat myself with, and I promise, under the blood, the bullet barely hit me. I've been hurt worse by Chihuahuas that hate the vet."
"There's no way I can convince you to change your mind?"
"It's been a long day," you sigh. "I really, really just want to go home." And he's blocking the path. Your apartment building is directly behind him, just calling your name.
"At least let me walk you to your building." He holds his hands up at your suspicious look and assures you, "I won't ask for the apartment number."
"I'm literally right there." You point.
He turns, sees how close you are to being home, and says, "Seriously?"
"Seriously. What are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were some kind of villain."
"I'm reformed," he grumbles.
"Well, good for you."
You make sure you have your keys and your wallet, then step around him and make it all the way to your building's door before he calls, "Wait!" The Red Hood's jogging to catch up to you, holding the box of Cheez-Its and energy drink you'd almost died for. "You forgot these," he says.
"Thanks," you say, taking them. It would have been a shame to waste four dollars.
"You're welcome," he says. There's something odd about his voice, but you attribute it to the mask, scan to be let into the building, and make sure it's fully closed before heading to the elevator.
Your cat is unhappy about dinner being an hour late. He weaves between your feet, making his protests loudly and viscerally known. You wince. He's worse than the dogs that bark in this building sometimes.
Your poor neighbors.
You give him his wet food, then hop in the shower to clean off your hip. It bled a lot, but once the blood washes away, it's actually not as bad as you thought. You've stitched up animals before, but never yourself, and decide against trying tonight. If it heals a little unevenly, who cares? No one will see it, anyway.
You pad the wound with gauze, tape it over, and fall into bed. Staring at the ceiling, you're forced to admit to yourself that you may be looking up more in the future. Just to see if anyone in a red helmet is running on a rooftop nearby.
It was a long day. But, strangely, almost dying wasn't the worst part of it.
Actually... it may have been the best part.
Forever tag list:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
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wolfiesmoon · 11 months ago
Leona x gn!reader
ok but can we feel the love tonight tho
i learned something new recently and i want to put this knowledge to good use (smirks evilly at leona)
also i am sick asf right now so i apologise if this is sloppily proofread
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It seems like being Leona's pillow has become a part of your daily at this point. It's become an unspoken routine for you.
Usually, he'd sleep anywhere but he had to adapt his sleeping habits a little because of you. Turns out most people don't find the floor of the greenhouse a comfortable napping spot.
Usually, the perfect spot is your room in Ramshackle dorm. It's quiet and empty, save for the pesky ghosts that interrupt the two of you sometimes. It makes for the perfect hiding place when Ruggie is bothering him with some stupid papers he needs to solve for potionology, too.
All in all, worth the walk to the dorm. Especially since he gets to see you and feel your warmth without fail.
You were already waiting for him on your bed, busying yourself with scrolling through your Magicam feed. Usually, you keep a few textbooks for studying with you, but exams have mostly concluded for now. You know once Leona attaches onto you, you're not going to be able to leave for atleast 2 hours, so it's always great to prepare in advance.
Sure enough, you heard familiar footsteps getting closer and the door opened to reveal your sleepy lover. His tail swished when he caught sight of you. What a lovely sight, indeed.
"Hey Leona, had a good day?" you ask casually and he sighs in response, mumbling something about being tired. Well, that's just the usual, isn't it?
He climbs up on the bed and you smile at his sleepy expression. He's so cute when he's sleepy, but you probably shouldn't tell him that unless you want to get glared at.
Instead of crashing on top of you like you're used to, though, he places his hands on your belly, still sitting at your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn't even meet your eyes.
Suddenly, his hands start moving in a kneading motion. A surprise massage? Not that you mind it, but that's highly unusual coming from Leona of all people. If anything, it should be the other way around.
"Leona..?" you question, trying to get a good look at his face. You can't really see it well because of the hair that fell to the side of his face. But from what little you can see, he seems to be in sort of a trance right now. His eyes are barely opened and he's wearing a little satisfied smile on his face. He doesn't respond to you at all.
"Leona?" you try again, a little firmer this time. He suddenly stops, probably finally coming back to his senses. You can see the way his eyes widen for a moment before he falls down on top of you without a word, wrapping his arms around you. Now you can't see his face at all, unable to read his expression.
"Leona, what was that?" you hugged him back, still a bit dumbfounded. You weren't going to lie though, that felt really nice.
"Don't ever bring this up again." Leona did not seem in the mood to discuss what just happened any further. He could have sworn he left that behaviour behind as a toddler. How embarrasing.
He's kind of worried now. That's how much you affect him.
"Oh... uh, okay." you pet the back of his head lovingly. Hmmm... now that you think of it, Grim does the same thing sometimes. The common denominator with Grim and Leona is that they're both cats, atleast somewhat.
If you apply this knowledge to what you know about cats in general... Oh, Leona, that silly goose. Seems he's a bit embarrased about kneading on you. You wonder if it was pure instinct.
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yep, turns out the big kitties knead too, ain't that just a testament to the tried and true saying "cat is cat"
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strwberri-milk · 8 days ago
Hello! I hope you are doing well. Can I request Rafayel, Zayne, and Sylus with a bookworm reader (who loves buying books to the point she has a wall full of books at her apartment). The fluffier the scenario, the better. Thank you!
hihi!! ive written sylus (here) (the post will be posted on feb 12th and i have no idea if i'll remember to add it into this post bc im writing this on jan 13th LMAO)
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Rafayel finds your collection of books super interesting. He's especially curious by any special editions you have - even more so if they're from first prints for older books because he just thinks they're cool. He'll flip through them on occasion and ask which ones you recommend he read. He's not super big on reading so honestly, no chance he'll actually read the book but he's just trying to connect with you! He's also the type of partner that will buy you any book you want, or multiple versions of the same book if a special release comes out. Also, if you ask him nicely he'll definitely either rebind, spray edges, or a combination of both for your books if you want him to! He lives for it and loves being able to add to your collection in a way that's close to his heart.
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Zayne inadvertently has a collection of books but they're all medicine textbooks that he gathered from school or picked up to do research on certain procedures. They're not on display the way yours are and primarily sit in his office since that's where he needs them more. He isn't super interested in reading your books unless you've got a lot of history/non-fiction. That's just what he typically likes to read, but he also likes books that are about people or like, coming of age stories - something that makes you really think. He's just super picky so it's hard to buy him books but he will read with you sometimes if he's got the time and a book to read.
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The lovely discussion around this post this morning has put the topic on my mind, and I do think it bears repeating - there is no way to understand Ed's character if you're not engaging with him as a brown man.
It's one of the most baffling arguments I've ever seen, really, and it shocks me every time it pops up again - this idea that because the real-life Blackbeard was white, that matters in OFMD, and that Taika Waititi's race has no impact on how Ed's character is written, performed, and interacts with in-world logic. This is an incoherent take, I think, not only because OFMD plays fast-and-loose with real-world accuracy but because Ed is clearly written with his race in mind.
And I cannot stress enough - there is no way to have a "race-blind" read of any story, and it's qwhite interesting that this keeps coming up about Ed. Ed is played by a Jewish-Māori actor, and this matters. You literally cannot understand his character if you don't engage with his race. Consider:
consistent racialized dehumanization - when antagonistic characters call Ed a donkey, a wild dog, a low-born dirtbag, it's with the effect of making him out to be less than human because he is a brown man. It's intentional, and it's something every non-white fan watching this show will catch immediately.
the racialized element of the Blackbeard caricatures. In the books, he's made out to look like a "savage" caricature, uncivilized and wild, using the trappings of "civilization" (such as guns) to upset the "civilized" order. It's textbook for how indigenous people have been caricaturized for centuries. The Blackbeard wanted poster is even less subtle, taking obvious inspiration from antisemitic trops including grotesque facial features, exagerrated noses, and prominant eye bags. You cannot understand how the mask of Blackbeard hurts Ed unless you also understand how it reinforces racialized expectations of savagery.
The racial element in how Ed feels excluded from "high society" even once he's rich. When his mama told him "we're not that kind of people," she wasn't just telling him that he is poor, she was telling him that he is a brown boy and trying to step above his lot in life could get him killed. At the party in s1e5, it is impossible to understand what happened without consdering that Ed is the only brown guest in the room. It does not make sense if you don't understand that Ed was being turned into an exoticized party trick because he is indigenous.
Ricky assumes that Ed owes his success to Izzy - not because Izzy is especially good at being a pirate, we're shown over and again he's not, but because Ricky is assuming that a brown man cannot be successful by his own merits and there must be a white man pulling the strings. If you just blindly agree with Ricky, you're missing the point.
Ed's struggle is not just with toxic masculinity, it's also with how he interacts with the world as a Jewish-Māori man. Expectations of violence and uncleanliness and underplaying Ed's successes are essential in-world factors that Ed has to deal with as he tries to figure out who he wants to be and how to live authentically, and you miss all of it if you don't care that he's not white.
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literaila · 1 year ago
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: it's midnight and satoru's bored
warnings: abandonment issues, anxiety, and gojo <3
a/n: angst tomorrow?
last part | next part
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second year, month five.
you're sitting on your bed, reading through an old textbook that nanami gave you (for some indiscernible reason) when there's a knock on your door. 
pounding, actually. it shakes the walls and makes you jump. 
there's a distant chuckle from the other side of the door. 
no one really comes to check in on you, so this is unusual. even after living at jujutsu high for four months, you're finding it difficult to fit in. 
maybe it's the fact that you were a month late to join your classmates, maybe it's because you find yourself pushing any available person away (because of fear, or insanity, or...), or maybe it's just that you can't relate to anyone for the life of you. 
but, either way, the last person to knock on your door was yaga, who came to wake you up to go out on your second day here. 
and, it's midnight, so unless someone's dying-- 
you sigh, shaking your hair out of your face. your eyes burn from staring at the small text for so long, so you rub them, hoping that you fell asleep and this is a dream. 
it's not, apparently, because there's a second knock, much louder than the first. so you reluctantly get up and go to the door. 
you try to tip-toe across the floors, hoping that the person hellbent on speaking to you can't hear you creeping up to the peephole. 
"let me in," someone says because they have any right to demand anything of you. 
you cross your arms like he can see you, and wait. 
"y/n?" gojo whines, and there's a thud as he slumps against the door. you can almost hear him breathing. "please. it's important." 
you wait another moment, for an explanation (which is unlikely) or for him to leave (which won't happen). you should've pretended to be asleep. then, after you realize he's going to wait, you sigh and unlock the door. 
and when you open it, gojo falls right on top of you. 
"ugh," you say, pushing him off, not caring about the two seconds it takes him to regain his balance. "you're heavy." 
" i work out. i'm made of muscle." 
you roll your eyes. "what do you want?" you ask, crossing your arms. you make sure not to open the door all of the way. lord knows that gojo has a way of slipping through the cracks. 
"no one else is around," he whines, "and i'm bored." 
"okay? go step on some ants or burn down your room or something. i'm going to bed." 
you should be nicer to your classmates--the people whom you literally entrust your life with--but you can't help your hard exterior. at least you know that no one will be able to break through it if you don't let them. 
and plus, gojo kind of annoys you (and is maybe, a little bit, amusing).
gojo looks you up and down with a brow raised. how you're able to see him from behind his ridiculous sunglasses, who knows. 
he's clearly questioning your outfit and the shoes you're still wearing inside your room. it was a mistake to stay in your uniform. 
"you don't look very tired," he says, smiling at you. his face is unwrinkled and youthful. he looks like a boy and acts like a child. 
"you're terrible at reading people." 
"hey, no i'm not. i can tell you want to hang out with me." 
"can you?" 
"mm-hmm," he hums, grinning as he tries to lean forward, into your room. 
"where's suguru?" 
he gives you a skeptical look. "why do you wanna know?" 
you snort. "cause usually you'd be bothering him." 
"oh," he grins, undeterred by your insult, "he went to see his family." 
you frown. "oh." 
"and before you ask, shoko said that she's tired of me," he pouts a bit, but behind his notorious smile. gojo is an illusion of expressions. you've never seen anybody's face move so quickly, or shift so subtly. "now can i come in?" 
you weigh the cost and benefits of allowing satoru gojo to intrude on your saturday night, and how likely you'll be subjected to him in the future. (is he going to damage you if you let him in? are you going to let him break you?).
but he's leaning down so you can see the tips of his lashes, and he's smiling like he already knows your answer. 
so you sigh, hesitantly, and open the door a bit more. "don't touch any of my stuff." 
"wow," gojo says as he walks in, by-stepping you and ignoring the glare you shoot his way. "you're a terrible decorator." 
he's right. you haven't bothered to put anything up on the walls, even after almost half a year. a small part of you has been too worried that you won't be here for long. that you might die, or... 
"sorry it's not up to your standards," you roll your eyes, going back to sit on your bed and leaf through the stupid textbook again. "but, you know, luckily, you have your own room. i can show you where it is, if you forgot. we can go there now." 
"subtle," he says and messes with a couple of books on your shelf. you doubt he's going to pick one up and ruin it, so you ignore him. 
you could complain about him touching your things like you just told him not to, but it's probably not going to get you very far. plus, you don't want to say something he can laugh at. or something to make him leave. 
but after a moment, you can't help yourself. 
"why are you up, anyway?" you ask him, trying to sound more annoyed than you are. "didn't you have to leave early for a mission this morning?"
"are you keeping tabs on me?" 
"you were bragging about a 'solo' mission all through dinner last night. it was impossible not to overhear." 
gojo sighs. "i don't get a lot of sleep. it's too lonely." 
"i've heard some very interesting rumors about you and suguru's cuddling rituals." 
he grins but doesn't say anything, teasing you with just his eyes. 
after a second of it, you ask, "don't you have a family to go home to?" 
he turns to you, tilting his head, long fingers tapping along your appliances. "clans are more like... begrudged allies than families. i haven't seen my parents in..." he whistles, shaking his head. but it doesn't seem to bother him, because he shrugs after, and resumes his snooping. 
that... actually explains a lot. 
at least he's like the rest of you. 
gojo, abandoning your books--which he probably can't read--goes to sit down on your swivel chair, spinning around. "what about your family? don't you miss them?" 
you give him a tired look. "seriously? you think i don't know that you guys talk about me when i'm not around?" 
gojo bites his cheek, having the gull to not even blink, and then a reluctant smile makes its way to his lips. "who told you?" 
"haibara can't keep a secret to save his life. don't gossip around him anymore." 
he shakes his head, grinning at you again. gojo knows no shame. "well you started pretty late into the semester," he says, "that's not very typical." 
you roll your eyes. 
"so. not going home?" 
"i'm not welcome in my parent's house, anymore," you say, trying to act like the words mean nothing. you could be discussing your favorite color. "as i'm sure you know." 
"did they kick you out?" 
"do you really want to talk about this? it'll probably bore you." 
he shrugs. "nothing else to do." 
you sigh, shutting your textbook.
maybe it's because gojo doesn't seem to actually care, or because you've been alone all day--with lots of time to spend spewing over choices that weren't yours. either way, the words make their way to your lips before you can stop them.  
"both of my parents pretty much ignored me as soon as i turned ten and started having nightmares about the monsters i was seeing around our house," you shake your head, swallowing, "and after yaga scouted me this year, they decided i'd probably be better off with 'people like me.' so, no, i'm not going home. i'm sure they've already moved." 
gojo stares at you like he's trying to discern if you're telling the truth or not. 
you probably shouldn't have said anything. but it's not your fault that no one's had the guts to ask before him, or that you've been dying to talk about it. 
you roll your eyes. "satisfied, gojo?" 
"satoru," he says, grinning. "anyone who's got a clear attitude problem gets to call me by my first name." 
"did your 'begrudged allies' forget to teach you manners?"
he hums. "i think i skipped those lessons." 
you snort. 
you could thank him for not pitying you--for not saying a single thing about how you didn't deserve it, or that it isn't fair--but you don't. it doesn't feel necessary. 
"suguru's family is like that," he adds because this is a normal thing to discuss with an acquaintance you've hung out with once. "but he's too righteous to cut them off." 
"yeah, i don't have that issue." 
he laughs, spinning around again. then he stands up and plops down on your bed, unwarranted, taking off his glasses so he can lie on his side. 
and then he sits there, staring at you. 
it only takes thirty seconds for you to break. 
"did someone surgically implant diamonds into your eyes?" you demand, kicking his foot away from yours. his body is warm against yours, and it makes you wonder if he's got a fever. 
he would come and bother you just to get you sick. 
"these are all-natural, sweetheart," he whispers, fluttering his lashes. he doesn't look away for a moment. his eyes are prettier up close, you suppose, when you can see them in their full glory. they look less alien, somehow less intense. 
"what are the glasses for anyway?" 
"try 'em on." 
he hands them to you, grinning like he knows something you don't, and you take them--maybe just so you can smudge the lens. 
they are surprisingly light, and warm. you put them over your eyes, blinking. 
"oh, are you clinically blind?" you ask, feeling slightly bad for bringing it up. he's probably going to pull your hair and lock you in your room now. 
satoru snorts. "no, i just don't need to see, unlike some people." 
"...was that supposed to be a brag?" 
you take off the glasses, wincing at the light. then you hand them back to him, tingling skin where your fingers brush his. 
"it would drain my cursed energy if i didn't wear them," he says, "'cause i see a lot more than you do." 
"okay? so it’s not to keep people from screaming when they see you?”
he pinches your thigh in retaliation, scoffing. “i am beautiful.”
he shakes his head, but leaves the glasses off, setting them on his stomach, and closing his eyes. one hand travels to the top of his head, as he relaxes into your bed. 
you'll probably need to wash the sheets after this. 
"hey," you say after he's been still for a minute. "satoru. you can't fall asleep here. i thought you wanted to be entertained."
"then entertain me." 
you roll your eyes, even though he's not looking. "i'm not your servant. go back to your room if you're just going to bed. i'm not cuddling with you." 
"i promise i'm good at it. ask suguru." 
"he's not here, so i can't." 
satoru sighs, opening his eyes again. "talk about something." 
"like what?" 
"uh... your favorite movie." 
"i don't watch a lot of movies." 
he sits up. "what?" he asks, genuinely shocked. 
you roll your eyes at him again. 
and, okay. despite his attitude, and his freaky eyes, you guess it is... nice, to be called upon. 
and as satoru sits there, talking to you about the most ridiculous of things, you feel settled in. unafraid of saying something wrong or pushing him away. 
it's good, you suppose, easy. 
next part | series masterlist
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eddiemunsonhoe86 · 5 months ago
Head Over Heels
Part 1/?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x AFAB (she/her pronouns) reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: There is cursing, sexual harassment, mentions of pregnancy, bullying, general assholery if you will, and the smoking of Mary Jane, of course.
Summary: A new girl at Hawkins High catches Eddie's eye.
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Eddie does not know what exactly he was expecting on a Friday morning at 9:15am but it certainly was not this. He fidgets with his thumbs as Ms. O’Donnell introduces her. “We have a new student today, why don’t you introduce yourself to the class, dear,” she says in her overly polite way with a tight lipped smile. “Hi, my name is (Y/N), I moved here from Indianapolis,” She says with a shy smile and Ms. O’Donnell rests her hand on the new student’s back, “Looks like you’ll be sitting next to Eddie today,” she gestures towards the empty seat next to Eddie and he straightens up in his seat as she walks towards the empty seat. “Alright, let’s begin the class by going over last night’s homework,” Eddie winces silently and makes no move to grab the homework out of his backpack like all of the other students do. He notices his table mate crossing her fingers in front of her and looking down at her hands with her bottom lip between her teeth. For being from the city she’s awfully reserved. 
Eddie finds himself watching her study her own nails, cheeks a bright shade of pink. He quickly chastises himself for staring and looks back down to his own hands. “I like your rings,” her whisper is so gentle he barely hears it. His head shoots up to look at her. “Oh,” he turns his hands over, forgetting which rings he put on that morning. “Really?” he asks and she nods. “I know she already kind of introduced me but I’m Eddie."
“(Y/N),” she repeats and he nods with a soft smile. “It suits you,” he chuckles. “Lady (Y/N),” he jokes. She giggles and Eddie’s heart practically stops and he decides he’ll do anything for her to make that sound again. “So Indianapolis, huh? City girl,” he says with a tug at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, my parents divorced so I am living here with my mom,” she says and he winces uncomfortably. “It’s okay, It’s been a long time coming,” she says in an attempt to reassure him but he just nods awkwardly. “Well if you need any help finding anything, I’m happy to help. I happen to be the king of the lost sheep around here,” he says and she smiles. “Is that so?”
“Yeah well a lot of other people would just call me King of the freaks but I don’t think we need to split hairs here,” she giggles again and he can’t stop the close lipped smile that takes over his face. “You don’t seem like a freak to me,” she says and he raises an eyebrow. “Well maybe that’s because you are a freak too,” he says, leaning slightly towards her and she laughs again this time a little bit louder. 
“Miss (Y/N), this is your first day here so I’ll excuse this once but please keep your… conversations to a minimum,” Miss O’Donnell glares at the two and the new girl immediately ceases her laughter. “That was my fault, Ms. O’Donnell I was distracting her,” Eddie speaks up. The teacher is taken aback, eyes widening. “Well, Eddie this wouldn’t be a first for you. Unless you plan on putting off graduation for another year I suggest you pay close attention,” she narrows her gaze at him and he gives a defeated nod and pulls his lips together briefly. Ms. O’Donnell turns back to the chalkboard before the new girl leans towards Eddie. “You didn’t have to do that,” Eddie shrugs and smiles at her. “It’s nothing new for me, as you could probably tell,” he whispers and she tilts her head to the side. He just shrugs casually and turns back to the chalkboard. The rest of the period is spent with going over whatever homework assignment was given out the day before and then reading through a textbook before the bell rings. “Hey, what’s your next class?” Eddie asks her as she is fitting her binder into her backpack. “I have Horticulture next,” she says and his eyes go wide. “Wow I didn’t even know that was a class here,” he says with mild bewilderment and slings his backpack over his shoulder. “Well I’ll walk you over to your next class,” he says and she smiles. “Oh is your class near mine?” she asks and he shakes his head. “No, but I was planning on ditching anyway, I have a uh… prior appointment,” he says and she narrows her gaze at Eddie as they filter out into the hallway. “Oh, Okay… cool,” she says nonchalantly and he chuckles. 
“Listen, you should come sit with me at lunch. I mean it’s me and some other kids, we’re all in the Hellfire club it’s our D&D group, but I doubt if half of the kids at the table have ever even met a girl so it’ll be good for them,” she laughs with him as they stroll down the hall, seemingly in their own world. Eddie notices plenting of kids gawking at them, nudging their friend groups and nodding at himself and the new girl of Hawkins High. Eddie tries to block out the sound of their whispering but it invades his train of thought before she responds. “Oh, good I’ll be a new specimen for them to gawk at,” she says with an exaggerated eye roll and he laughs.
“No, they’re all polite. And if they aren’t I’ll make them be polite,” he says and she raises her eyebrows at his stern tone. “Oh, so you keep them in line, huh?” Eddie holds his head up before responding. “Of course, I’m their King,” he says and she smiles and giggles. “What will that make me, then?” she asks, nudging his arm with her elbow as they enter the Science hall. “Well, you can be my new subject, that is if you accept my offer,” he brings his chin down closer to his chest and leans against the wall just outside of the classroom. She leans against the wall across from him and taps her index finger to her lips in mock contemplation. “Well, what kind of perks are we talking about?” she asks and his face breaks out into a smile. “Oh, a little quid pro quo, huh? I see, how about a seat next to the King and… a bag of chips?” He raises one eyebrow, awaiting a response from her as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“Deal,” she says and holds out her hand to Eddie. He looks down at her hand being held out to him and pauses before shaking it. Nobody ever wants to be seen touching the freak. Without warning, Eddie is suddenly being pushed forward into her, falling against her and knocking her back. She doesn’t fall though, only holds out her hands to catch him and lifts him back to his feet. “Hey freak, already perving on the new girl?” the culprit of the shoulder check calls and Eddie shakes his head and looks down to the floor. “I’m sorry-”
“Hey asshole!” Eddie is shocked at her voice as she turns to face the brunette in the letterman jacket. “Watch where you’re going,” she says and he stops walking and chuckles. “Oh, the freak has a girlfriend?” He chuckles and his group of friends laugh along. “Hey, you don’t have to-” Eddie tries to de-escalate but is cut off by her anger.
“Fuck off douche bag,” she says and his friends all let out a chorus of ���ooooooh’s.” Eddie’s hand finds her arm and he attempts to pull her back. Who knew the new girl could get so mad. And for him! Eddie Munson, who at school is only referred to as "freak," by everyone besides his handful of friends. “What are you going to do about it, bitch?” He walks closer and she doesn’t back down, looking up at him as he approaches her. “Listen, man-” Eddie begins to interject but is cut off by her quiet unwavering voice. “You think because you play basketball you can say whatever you want to whoever you want but who’s going to be laughing when you graduate with C’s and have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of your life?” she says and Eddie’s eyebrows raise and he fights back a chuckle. “You better use protection when you let him fuck you, new girl,” he says, eyeing her up and down and Eddie can’t see her face but he feels an energy shift and he can sense her rising anger. “You should take your own advice before you end up impregnating some poor girl and ruining the gene pool with your trash semen,” she says and Eddie nearly combusts at that, bringing his fist up to cover his mouth. He flattens his hand over his mouth and clenches his eyes shut, taking everything in him to not burst out in laughter.
“What’s wrong, Munson can’t defend yourself so you let your new girlfriend to do it for you?” he says, peering behind her at Eddie. “Big talk coming from someone who is actively trying to fight a woman,” she says and he snaps back towards her. “It’s a shame, you have an amazing body and you’re wasting it on this piece of trash,” he says before walking away, joining his group of friends and snickering as they walk off. She shakes her head and turns to Eddie and Eddie is stunned by what he sees. Her eyes are red and watery, tears threatening to spill beyond the surface. Her cheeks are red and blotchy and her eyes are hardened. “Hey, it’s okay,” she shakes her head. “No, it’s not. Someone needs to kick his ass,” Eddie nods and reaches out his hand to hold her arm. “You are right about that,” he says and she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I should’ve known you’d be targeted for hanging around me,” he says and looks over towards the wall but she shakes her head. “No, this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him, Eddie,” the bell rings, interrupting her thought and she sighs. Eddie is silent as he watches a tear fall down her cheek and drop down to her black long sleeved top. “I’m half tempted to skip and go punch something,” she says and he smiles mischievously. “Well, I’d be happy to join you if you’d like in that case,” he says and she nods enthusiastically. He walks her towards the doors leading to the football field and they walk out of the school together. She wipes her eyes and tries to stop herself from shaking but it’s no use. “Listen, you really didn’t have to do that. It’s an uphill battle and it won’t end with him,” Eddie says and she shakes her head. “Would you say that to your D&D group?” she asks and he cocks his head back, yet again taken aback by her response. 
“Well, no-” he stops himself and looks back to her. “Have you ever played?” he asks and she shakes her head. “No but I’ve heard of it,” she says and he nods. “You know we have a session after school if you want to come sit in?” He says as they walk across the bright green turf towards the tree line. “Can I still sit by you?” she asks and he feels like his chest is about to cave in, nearly collapsing at the sight of her round eyes looking back into his. “Of course, I am a dungeon master after all, who best to learn from?” he asks, pressing his hand to his chest and she giggles. Just past the tree line is a picnic table and Eddie takes a seat and pulls something out of his backpack, a lighter and a joint. “This was your appointment, huh?” she asks without sitting down. She rests her backpack on the ground and looks up at the trees. “Yup,” he says and lights it, taking in a hit and blowing it out. “Want some?” he asks, gesturing towards her with the lit joint and she shakes her head. “No thanks,” she says and he feels himself pause. Shit, what if she’s not comfortable with this? “It feels so nice out here,” she says and he breathes out a silent sigh. “Yeah it’s a good place to think,” she nods in response, observing a squirrel darting up the trunk of a tree. She walks back over to the picnic table and takes a seat on the table itself. “So about the punching,” she says and turns to him. Eddie jumps out of his seat and leans his shoulder towards her. “Okay, but make it quick sweetheart,” he clenches his eyes shut and she laughs unapologetically and he chuckles, straightening back up. Leaning back on the table, she rests on her palms behind her and smiles. “No, I don’t think I need to punch anymore. I feel better being out here,” she says and he smirks and walks around to one edge of the table. “Just needed some good ole fresh air, huh?” she nods as he takes another long hit. 
“Yeah and to hang out with someone who doesn’t have their head shoved up their ass,” she says and Eddie chokes on the exhale, coughing violently. “Are you okay?” she jumps off the table and rests her hand against Eddie’s back as he intermittently laughs and coughs. “Y-yeah, I’m okay,” he says in a strained voice and she goes back to the edge of the table, pulling herself up on it. Eddie recovers and takes a step towards her. “Likewise, by the way,” he says and she smiles at him, staring into his big brown eyes. “No my head is in other places,” she says and he quirks one eyebrow up. ���Is that so?”
He takes another hit of the now half smoked joint. She nods and looks at him and holds eye contact. “Well, your head could probably use a break from the emotional turmoil of being seen with me and publicly called my girlfriend,” he says, poking her forehead with his index finger as she rolls her eyes. “Would you stop doing that, Eddie? Any girl would be lucky to be your girlfriend. You’re sweet, funny, and you have weed,” she says and he chuckles. “Tell that to the thousands of women in Hawkins,” he says and she shakes her head. “I will!” she says and he rolls his eyes in disbelief. “So where’s your boyfriend, huh? Probably in Indianapolis finding the cure for cancer?” She narrows her gaze at Eddie in confusion and tilts her head to the side.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Munson?” he shrugs in response and takes another hit. “Well he’s gotta be pretty amazing if he landed you,” he says and she shakes her head as her cheeks flush a bright pink. “Oh please,” she slowly looks back up at him. “I was invisible in Indianapolis,” she says and he shakes his head. “I’m calling bullshit on that,” he says and she scoffs dramatically. “I’m serious! It’s a big city and I’m just a girl with an over inflated sense of justice,” she says, holding her chin high and Eddie chuckles. “Well I can’t speak for Indianapolis, but I can say that I’d spot you out of a crowd of thousands,” he says and the smile leaves her face as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “What exactly are you buttering me up for?” she asks and he shakes his head. “Oh you know just a spot as your right hand man in your battle for world domination?” he proposes and she laughs. “If I succeed in my plan of world domination then yes, Eddie you can be my right hand man,” she says and he chuckles. Eddie leans forward and rests his hands on either side of her thighs on the edge of the table. 
“The world would be lucky to have you dominating it,” he says and she blushes wildly at the innuendo. She struggles to form a response, mouth opening and closing repeatedly and her eyes wide. “Wow,” she says and he chuckles. “Well I think I’ll start with being at your side for lunch, how about that?” she says and meets his big chocolate eyes that are staring right back into hers. “Yes, princess (Y/N),” he straightens up and bites the inside of his cheek. “Oooh, I’m princess now?” she perks up and he shrugs. “I don’t see why not, the title is vacant, and you seem like the perfect choice,” he says and she rests a hand on her chest and gasps. “What an honor. What will be my first job as princess?” she ponders, looking off into the trees. “Well don’t get ahead of yourself, princess you still have yet to meet your loyal subjects,” Eddie says and she giggles. “Ah, yes, this is true,” she says and he smiles. “Do you think they’ll like me?” she asks, her tone completely serious. “Are you kidding? Did you not just hear my entire speech about how amazing you are?” he asks and she giggles bashfully. “I’ll be shocked if they’re not tripping over themselves to pull out your chair for you,” he says and brings one hand up, tucking her hair behind her ear for her. 
The air between them is thick and tense with energy. She pauses and watches his eyeline move from her eyes to her lips. Slowly taking in a deep breath as he leans in, Eddie's hand coming down to rest on her cheek. They're inches apart when a rustling sound to their left makes her jump, looking around to find the culprit. “It’s okay, there’s no one else around,” Eddie says, backing up much to her dismay. She sighs and nods. “What time is it?” she asks and Eddie feels his gut clenching in dread as he looks down at his digital watch. “10:49,” he says and she hops off of the picnic table, now only inches from Eddie. “I should probably at least catch my next class before I’m late,” she says and he nods, not backing away just yet as she holds his gaze. “Well, uh… what’s your next class?”
“Calculus,” she says without breaking eye contact. “Do you know how to get there?” he asks and she nods. “I think so, it’s on the opposite side of the school, past the cafeteria?” she says and he nods. “Unfortunately I cannot join you on that adventure, I really do have a prior engagement in about fifteen minutes, but I’ll meet you outside of the bathrooms on that end of the building before lunch, okay?” he says and she nods and looks up at him through her lashes now. Eddie feels his jeans tightening and prays to God that she leaves soon for his own modesty. “Okay, well I’ll see you in about an hour then,” she says, making no move to get past him. Eddie nods and sucks in a deep breath. The sound of the bell shakes them both from their trance and she quickly grabs her bag and is off. “See you soon, Eddie!” she calls and she is off.
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spdrvyn · 2 months ago
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YOU'RE HERE, THAT'S THE THING — [ wc: 1.7k. college au. fluff-ish? ] nothing cute about uni life. nothing to romanticize about pulling off all-nighters. unless... ?
now that i think about this is the first miguel fic i've written that's not adjacent with spiderverse canon world-building wise 🤔 also kinda silly of me to write a college fic when i'm not even in college so be warned i'll sound probably like a dumbass but hope you guys enjoy anyway!
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7:23PM in the evening. Twenty hours until your essay was due.
The blonded hues of the setting sun reflected onto your laptop’s screen, currently open with a completely blank Google Document and nary a draft or outline in sight. As the ice in your half-empty coffee had almost thoroughly melted, you realized that you were completely fucked.
Originally, there was a study group that you were intended on joining somewhere at the start of the week. Hell, you guys shared Notion calendars and made an entire group chat. Only when you courageously sent a message last night asking for a rain check on the plans, you were left on read and down one-hundred dignity points.
That’s how you ended up here, waiting for the adrenaline from the impending deadline to set in. The condensation from your drink wets your palm uncomfortably as you take a sad, bitter sip. Someone could be writing a story about your defeat, writing a ten-page analysis about it, and submitting it at least three days before the deadline like a normal person with a sense of urgency.
When you shut your laptop and concede to the pressure, Miguel walks in to your shared dorm. With thick textbooks and an open backpack slung over one of his shoulders, he pauses at the sight of you. “I thought you’d be out.”
The reminder that your group abandoned you sours your mood even more, you tersely reply: “They ghosted me.”
“Oh,” Miguel tries to sound sympathetic, but it’s obvious that he’s also struggling with a final of some kind with how he ushers all of his belongings to the table you’re currently occupying. He’s told you before that he rarely ever joins study groups, which makes sense. You’ve noticed he’s self-reliant and efficient to an almost terrifying degree when it comes to his academics, awake at ungodly hours of the night to pinch the highest grade that there is. If anything, it’s more likely that he’ll offer to tutor other people.
“What’s on your roster for tonight? I’ve got an essay,” You swiftly put on your document tab again, motivated by how he’s already flipping through his books and copying down notes on his tablet. God, you wished you could just start studying like that.
“Final tomorrow, haven’t started reviewing yet. I basically spent the last two days at the lab for my other final.” He’s writing at a speed that should be considered superhuman, all while he’s answering your pesky questions.
You don’t want to move to another spot, because it would seem rude. Not like his presence is unwelcome, his studiousness just makes you really, really envious. Also the fact that both of you are majoring in completely different subjects.
Majoring in Arts in Literature, while he majors in Genetic Engineering can cause difficulty whenever explaining plans to each other. Miguel puts in the effort to not confuse you with the STEM jargon while you try not to ramble about your current readings and explaining your interpretations of them to someone else instead of writing them down on paper to, you know, submit.
Either way, it hasn’t caused any big miscommunications with being so different and all. You hope he doesn’t mind you beginning to working with him too, as you shyly type a thesis statement into your assignment. Another sip of your coffee, sounds of Miguel scrawling, and you think you may be ready to take this assignment head-on.
12:40AM into the night. Fifteen hours until your essay is due.
Shockingly enough, you were able to finish three pages out of five. The grammar so far is probably going to drag you down by fifteen points and you usually send it to your friends to proofread, but it clearly isn’t an option given what time of the day it is right now. It’s still a lot better than the end you saw for yourself when you were left dangling on the edge of failure by your study group.
The caffeine had completely worn off by now, and your coffee had been drained somewhere around an hour ago. When that happens, you usually start to get antsy and it’s even harder to keep the momentum going and when that happens, you take a break and go for a walk or something.
Which is what you’re about to do, as you stand up, but you realize that Miguel is sitting still as a statue in front of one of his books and his eyes scan the words on the page, over and over again. You can’t tell if he’s also losing focus or if he’s knee-deep in focus.
“Miguel,” He sighs when you call his name and the noise makes you wince, fearing that you’ve upset him. “Uhm, I’m going to take a walk. Do you wanna come with?”
It’s an offer that you thought for sure he wasn’t going to take.
What you don’t expect however is for him to slam his reading shut, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose before getting up from his seat. With a huff of, “Sure.”
“Oh- we can go for a coffee run if that’s what you want. I don’t think I can sleep tonight.”
“Ok. Me neither.”
“Great, that’s- that’s great.”
Both of you stew in the (semi) comfortable silence as you make the trek from your dorm room and out to the expanse of the campus.
You realize how brisk a walk can become with Miguel considering how abnormally tall he is. Granted, you recognize his subtle effort to slow down for you when he notices how winded you got after only five minutes on the way to the gas station.
It’s a new height that you’ve reached with him, not like you never wanted to grow closer with him or anything. He is your roommate after all, so it only makes sense. Although despite your love for reading that has fender-bendered into a Literature degree in the making, you were never too great at reading people. Miguel is one of the hardest people to read considering his outward stoicism, and both of you being naturally introverted didn’t help at all.
Still, this was the perfect time in your life to make new friends and life-lasting connections. Besides you would also consider yourself pretty pathetic if you wouldn’t be able to make a new one out of your roommate, A.K.A someone who is confined to a room with you for a whole school year. Literally no other choice but to do so.
You wonder if he feels the same way too, but asking each other of your first impressions is a conversation that is really only befitting for people that have been together for years. A status that you have no idea that you’ll ever achieve with him someday.
Though you are quickly broken out of your kind of depressing spiral when Miguel opens the door to the store for you, with a muttered ‘thank you’ you behold the fluorescent lights and hint of smoke. The walk to the coffee machine is instinctive, and you pluck a bag of spicy chips from the shelf on the way. Miguel follows suit, only he picks a bag of pretzels and a pack of gum.
The dispenser chokes out a splatter of coffee into your plastic cup and you flinch at the noise, Miguel spares you a glance but goes back to fidgeting with the pointed edges of his pretzel bag.
“So, what’s your final about?” It’s a stupid question being completely transparent, but fuck it. You’re bored, and the silence only gets more uncomfortable the longer both of you keep quiet.
“Genetic inheritance, the traits passed down from a parent onto a child. That kind of thing,” He muses. “And you?”
“Oh, Les Miserables essay. Five pages total.”
“Long book, and long film.”
Your cup is nearly on the tip of overflowing so you quickly slide it out and put one under for Miguel. “Yeah, I had to do a re-read because it’s been a while. I only finished around two days ago and I started it again at the beginning of the month.”
He gives you an honest chuckle, you take it and you think you’ll remember the sound forever. “One of my, uh, friends sat me down to watch the movie. Fell asleep halfway through, but I do remember it being decent in the parts that I was awake.”
“Well if I can find a totally legal recording of the stage play, maybe that would pique your interest more.”
When you look up at him, he smiles and it might be the happiest you’ve seen him ever since becoming acquainted with each other. It’s not a lot, but you feel over the moon over a small talk about your stupid essay.
…Your stupid essay!
You cut the moment short by haphazardly closing the lids on both of your coffees, you hand it to Miguel who starts to emanate your hurried energy and the walk back to your dorm is very swift.
Morning. Some time before your essay is due.
That is what you can assume anyway, the sun is back and its rays peek at you from the gaps in the blinds. Your hair is a frazzled mess as you lift your head off of the pillow which is perched up against the armrest on the sofa, the blanket on top of you shifts, and this was also… definitely not where you fell asleep last night.
You were expecting neck and back pain, along with a mild headache once you woke up. As you came to the sloppy completion of your work, you called it a night, slammed your laptop shut, and decided to just sleep right then and there. Doing your night routine and getting into bed would simply be too much time and work when you probably wouldn’t even be getting that much rest anyway.
There’s a fresh glass of water on the coffee table and a sticky note from Miguel, who you could only assume was the one who put you here.
‘Had to head out early for my exam. Good luck with your essay, there’s food on the counter.’
You slump back into your makeshift bed and pull out your phone from your back pocket, there’s still seven hours until your essay is due and you only need around two for revisions.
Maybe you could sleep in just a little longer, dream about conversations that will never happen, cafe dates that never come to be. But after last night, rather earlier this morning, those odds shift in your favor.
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lizthewriter · 1 year ago
general theodore nott headcanons
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• theo is the textbook defintion of dark academia
• his wardrobe is only filled with varying shades of black, grey, brown, and green; he mostly wears suits, but when he wants to feel comfortable, he'll thrown on a knit sweater
• he is very quiet - around people he doesn't know, he doesn't speak; around his friends, even, he doesn't speak too much
• he is highly intelligent; he's literally right up there with hermione, top of the class
• does a lot of free reading - mostly nonfiction but will tell no one about the romance novels hiding under his mattress
• sleeps around because parent issues - even though he doesn't really speak, he still gets bitches . . . probably because he is handsome af and also cause when he does speak, he is smooth
• he plays quidditch, though he doesn't care too much for it - when draco saw how good theo was on a broom, he begged and begged theo to join quidditch until he finally agreed
• does smoke, but would stop if you asked him too
• he is the adopted introvert . . . prove me wrong
• he's only really close with blaise, but because mattheo and blaise are best friends (by the transitive property of arithmetic), mattheo and theo are good friends too
• he's extremely protective (and slightly possessive) of the people he loves, probably because he lost his mother and he's afraid to lose the people he loves too
• scary dog privileges
• was almost sorted into ravenclaw
• loves winter and fall too much - he kind of looks out of sorts in the warmer months
• has never worn a pair of shorts in his life . . . i'm not kidding
• he's a little self-obssessed, but mostly just with his hair (you do NOT touch unless you have permission)
• he's not a hopeless romantic, but he'd do the most romantic shit and pretend like he did nothing, this mf 💀💀
• *sets up an entire romantic, home-cooked, candle lit dinner* *sits down, places napkin in his lap, and begins to eat* "well, aren't you gonna sit down?"
• doesn't tell anyone he has a crush on you
• he pines after you for ages - at first, he's kind of mad at you, cause he can't understand why he feels this way about you, but then this man is HEAD over HEELS for you
• he wants to figure out the perfect way to ask you out
• he gets really overwhelmed and stressed about it
• blaise sees theo huddled over his desk, hair all crazy, muttering like a maniac and asks him what's wrong - theo just starts shouting at blaise about you and he realizes his best friend is in love
• blaise is a good bro
• he helps theo plan the perfect date in hogsmeade - now all theo has to do is ask you out
• theo actually hasn't interacted with you too much, you have some classes together and you've been partners in potions
• he kind of just finds you after class one time and hovers behind you until your friends point him out to you
• you shook away your friends and turn to face theo - he stands completely straight and he looks obviously distressed
• "all right, nott?"
• "come to hogsmeade with me. please."
• "uh, sure. all right!"
• he takes you all around hogsmeade to anywhere you want to go
• he's not sure exactly what to do - he's never been on a date before . . . he wants to kiss you but doesn't know the perfect moment so he ends up forgoing that paticular thing
• he loves massaging - idk why, but I just feel like he would love to just run his fingers through your hair while you're cuddling or rub his back but his massages are >>>>>
• he thinks far into the future - living together, marriage, having kids, growing old
• he's a daydreamer
• he's a bit of a perfectionist too, but he never let's that side of him show to others
• everything HAS to be perfect for you
• he stops sleeping around once he gets with you, dedicates to you completely
• won't even look in the direction of another girl
• he prefers to sleep in with you - his love languages are quality time and physical touch
• he will help you study whenever you need
• will also drop any plans he has for you (hoes before bros)
• prefers to take you out to nice and exotic places for the holidays instead of having you over at his place (his father is a nightmare - he's adamant on ensuring that the two of you never cross paths)
• will propose to you spontaneously, approximately six months after being together
• he will not take no for an answer; will compromise, but he will not let you say no unless you despise him
• you are his favorite person in the world, his one and only, and you'd best remember that he's do ANYTHING for you
tags: @annaisabookworm
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im-so-normal-iswear · 5 months ago
Hi!! I love your writing!! Would it be possible for your thoughts on Ford/stan with a girlfriend who is a therapist or psychiatrist? (I’m studying psychology so this is a totally self indulgent ask!) thank you!! 🫶🏼
A/n: Ok! I'm sorry these took long
Stan/Ford pines x therapist!reader
Ford Pines:
Ford is instantly intrigued by your profession. He’s always been interested in how the human brain works, and having a girlfriend who understands the mind on such a deep level excites his curiosity.
He loves asking you questions about psychology, sometimes treating your discussions like he’s learning from a textbook.
“So, if someone were to experience prolonged exposure to isolation, how do you think that would affect their psyche?”
Ford absolutely loves to hear your insights on everything from mental health to obscure psychological theories, often adding his own knowledge of psychology.
Ford greatly values your calming presence. As someone who has gone through trauma from his interdimensional travels, Ford finds comfort in how you can guide him through his anxieties and ground him during his moments of overthinking. It’s not that he’s asking for therapy, but the way you talk and listen to him brings him a lot of peace.
Sometimes Ford gets lost in his head, overanalyzing everything or diving too deep into his research, and you’re the one who pulls him back. You know just how to approach his worries without invalidating them, and he’s beyond grateful for that.
“You always know exactly what to say to bring me back to reality. How do you do it?”
He’s particularly interested in your take on the psychological impact of interdimensional travel or exposure to anomalous phenomena.
He’ll often turn to you for discussions about the mind’s adaptability and resilience. You’ve become his go-to person for talking about the human condition in the context of the strange.
Ford is also incredibly supportive of your career and education. If you’re studying or need quiet time to work, he’ll make sure you have the perfect environment to focus. He’s always ready to offer encouragement when you’re feeling stressed.
“I know it’s a lot, but if anyone can do this, it’s you. I’ve never seen someone so dedicated to understanding the complexities of the mind.”
Ford loves sharing intellectual moments with you, like reading papers or discussing recent psychological studies. Sometimes, he even helps you with your work by giving you unique perspectives from his travels, and in turn, you help him manage the more stressful parts of his past.
Stan Pines:
Stan doesn’t fully get what a therapist or psychiatrist does at first (he’s used to handling things by “toughing it out”) but he quickly comes to appreciate how insightful you are.
“So, you talk to people about their problems? Gotta hand it to ya, you’ve got a lot of patience. I can barely deal with the customers.”
Stan is amazed at how you can listen to other people’s issues all day and still come home well. He’s constantly in awe of how much you care for others and how you help people through their darkest moments.
“You’ve gotta be some kinda saint to listen to people’s problems all day and not go crazy yourself.”
He loves that you don’t push him to talk, but when he does, you listen attentively. You’ve taught him that it’s okay to share his feelings without making him feel weak. Sometimes he’s caught off guard by how much better he feels after talking to you.
“Huh, I guess it’s not so bad… all this feelings stuff. You really know how to make a guy feel better.”
Stan appreciates your ability to see through his tough-guy act. You can read him like a book, and while it’s a little intimidating, it’s also a relief. You pick up on the small things, like when he’s more stressed than usual or when something’s bothering him.
“How do you always know what’s goin’ on in my head? It’s like you’re a mind reader or somethin’. Say how bout we put that to use in the shack? I'm joking, unless you want to.”
He loves to brag about your career, even if he doesn’t always understand it.
“Yeah, my girl’s a therapist. Helps people sort out their problems. She’s smart as hell. I dunno how she does it, but it’s pretty impressive.”
If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed by your work, Stan is the first to encourage you to take a break. He might not know all the details of your job, but he knows how important it is for you to recharge. He’ll pull you away from your books or laptop and suggest watching a movie or doing something fun together.
“You’ve been workin’ hard all day. Come on, let’s kick back and relax. You deserve it.”
He’s a little protective of you, especially if you’ve had a rough day. If you come home stressed after dealing with a difficult client, Stan will be there to comfort you in his own way, whether that’s making you laugh, cooking a simple meal, or just sitting beside you.
Stan will occasionally ask for advice, though he’ll frame it casually. “So, let’s say someone I know has a lotta stuff from their past they don’t like talkin’ about. What’d you say to help ‘em out?” He trusts you more than he’ll admit and values your wisdom, even if he’s not always ready to face his own feelings head-on.
A/n: you give them therapy they need, the end ^^
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sorry-moots · 2 months ago
Sharing is Caring idfk
i thought of something to follow up on Clever... Boy? but it can be read on its own too, anyway can you tell i'm bad at coming up with titles pairing: tsukishima kei x gn!reader tags: reader insert, characters are aged up, fluff, no pronouns used, no use of y/n, reader likes jurassic park cw(s): none
tsukishima spends his hours at the boba shop annotating his notes
the man first writes them by HAND (none of that digital note-taking bs) and then reviews the powerpoints and textbooks just to make sure he has everything written down, adding in little bits that the professor glossed over or failed to mention entirely
as he does this, he listens to music because he’s not some sort of masochist (unless you hc that, we don’t judge)
you also like to listen to music while you’re on the job but, dumbass that you are, you forgot the most important thing
From his secluded corner table, Tsukishima hears a cry of anguish behind the AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY door. You come out with puppy eyes and a pout, immediately making a beeline for him.
“My AirPods died,” you whine. You have the look of someone whose beloved pet has to be put down.
Tsukishima loves teasing you and it’s so easy when you’re this dramatic. “Did you forget to charge them again?” he asks with that trademark smirk. Y’know, the one the that makes people wanna punch him in the face.
Your brows furrow and your pout deepens. “I put them to charge but my case is dead and I didn’t bring a charger.”
He laughs and you hop on the defensive. “Tsukishima, it’s not funny! If one more person comes in with a crying baby and I don’t have music to listen to, I’M gonna cry!!”
His laughter gradually subsides as he looks up at you. As adorable as he thinks it is when you’re upset, he doesn’t want you to suffer. Crying babies are hell.
Reaching into his bag, he grabs his own AirPod case and offers you the remaining earbud. “Here. We’re listening to my music.”
the smile you give him has him weak, he regrets this decision 0%
until you hit him with the obligatory rickroll ofc
he threatens to close spotify (you have to beg him not to)
after your little prank, things are chill and you just enjoy the lofi hip hop he’s been listening to
“yk tsukishima, this is somehow exactly what i thought you would listen to and not at all what i was expecting” “how does that make any sense”
he likes listening to you hum/whistle/sing along to the music (if that’s your thing)
he also takes note of the songs you skip; maybe he’ll make a playlist that doesn’t have those songs in it just in case this happens again
teases you when he has to leave
“Time’s up, Cinderella. Give me back my AirPod so I can head to practice.”
“Ok, ok, fine,” you say as you reluctantly remove the earbud.
As he’s packing his things, you queue up one more song and bring it to the top of the queue.
When the Theme From Jurassic Park starts playing he just gives you a look that says “really?” before he walks out the door. But you can see on your phone that he doesn’t skip it. Nerd.
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gangplanksorenji · 2 years ago
A door that’s slightly ajar (and then, I opened them all up)
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Yunjin x Male Reader
Word Count: 8939
A/N: Hello Orenjideul! Of course, it's the down bad days for me, again and this time, I've been wanting to write something like this, like a student-like fic and here we are! I absolutely love writing this and creating up with titles like this—I really do!!! Also, big thanks for @majorblinks for beta-reading and making some corrections to my mistakes! Thank you so much! Anyways, hope y'all enjoy this fic and see you until the next time again! <3
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It's just another normal day of the week, is it? Yes, it is, and you're tired of it. There's nothing you can do either, unless, doing a significant change that will probably make the day more interesting. Yet, what change can you make? You can't even have one, at the moment, so you'll be back on this redundant day, again.
Thank god that your class dismissed early, and that uplifted your motivation of making that “change”. It was on a Saturday too, maybe it explains why your lecturer feels drowsier than usual—I mean, he already looks like that all of the time but whatever.
You kick your shoes, got your things packed on your bag on a quick two-hour discussion as you rushed your way out, going straight to the cafeteria so you could buy and eat your favorite chocolate-pecan flavored cookies there—and honestly, you don't really spend that much money on miscellaneous things, but those cookies are maybe worth dying for.
You drool in the imagination of it, and you can't wait to taste those.
*something thuds*
You're subtly startled by that sound. There's no ghost (you don't really believe in such, too) nor your friends trying to prank the living life out of you as maybe, you just speculate those are just those reckless students doing whatever they're doing.
“These people…”
Maybe it's because of Saturdays. Weekends are pretty much the busiest days at your end even though it's the time where people set themselves to rest—there's so much contradiction that it outdid itself more than an oxymoron.
Such unnecessary thoughts shall go and fade away, in your mind, at least. Why are you even overthinking about this? Too descriptive? Well, maybe, it's a yes but there's something more descriptive, and that's when you opened your locker, full of those damned textbooks you aren't even bothered to read. Why does it even exist anyways?
Too busy. Too unbothered. Too focused—
“Hello, baby.”
You shout at the sudden figure startling you, almost dropping your textbook and your folder full of your seatworks in the process. You then put them onto your locker and shut the door lock, then averted your unwanted eyes towards the girl in front of you.
“W-What do you want, Yunjin?”
Huh Yunjin. Yes, that's her name and it's classy whenever she gets called “Jennifer”, her English name. She's one of the most popular girls on the whole university thanks to her clever and smart mind, her pretty face and her personality, and her specialty, her ways of captivating the hearts of guys and gals with her charm-filled flirting and here you are, standing right beside her—
“You.” She pokes her finger onto your chest, talking about you and you only.
If this is just one of her games you're sick and tired of playing, you definitely have no time for this, especially since you know how much she'll want to seduce someone under her spell.
“Yunjin, I have no time for this, okay? If you have someth—”
“Why not, hm? Then tell me why you're frequently looking at me in the lecture earlier, baby.”
And yes, you're mostly in the same class with her. Even though maybe it's written in the stars that you're both destined to be in the same class with each other and to top it all off, it’s even with the most stressful subjects known to man. Even with her being an ultimate nuisance—the bane of your silence—there's still a positive side of this: her ability to make everything interesting. Yes, you stole glances with her earlier—then wait, if she knows about this, then she's looking at you often then—
“Then how would know that without stealing glances to me too—”
“Answer my question, baby…” Yunjin whispers to your ear as she extends her right arm, pinning you against the metallic locker behind you and her other arm reaching for your necktie, her eyes burning with desire and lust as she demands an answer escaping from your lips, right here, right now.
“Come on, baby. Answer me—”
“Is it maybe just a coincidence, Yunjin? Get off me—”
“Nu-uh, baby. You can’t escape me.”
Yunjin’s seductive voice never fails to bring you weak, onto your knees as it feels eargasmic to hear, her saccharine tone almost leaving you defenseless. Her firm grip onto your necktie leaves you vulnerable to her and there’s also no way you can escape her, and even if you wanted to and if you were successful, she’ll try her best to catch you. What does she even want from you, anyways? Why would you experience this treatment of hers instead of the other guys on the campus? Why even you?
Well, as much as you want to keep asking yourself those kinds of questions, there’s only one way to find out what she really wants: finding the answer yourself.
“Then, w-what the fuck do you want from me, Yunjin? Can’t you j-just do your thing to the other guys at the campus? Why even m-me?”
Well, if she would help herself on resisting you, she may—
“No—” Yunjin closes her face dangerously towards yours, just inches away from kissing you but you won’t let her. Her minty breath captivates you even more as her tone is the cherry on top—the mixture of sultry of sweet best describes it—but you won’t let yourself fall under the spell of this slut—
“Come on, baby. Don’t you want me, hm?”
Of course, she’ll lure her prey into the abyss of no-return (into the unknown depths of lust) and will get to her desired promised land. She’ll do everything to get what she wants and it even starts right now: her hot breath brushing off on the crook of your neck as she kisses the soft skin right after, letting your defenses crumble down in shambles as she’ll do what it takes to be hers for the time-being.
“I’ll make sure that you’ll never forget this day and…” Yunjin peppers your neck with passionate kisses as it’s not enough to leave a mark, yet enough for you to feel her immediate need for you. “I’ll let you do anything to me, baby.”
Is she really talking about this? Is she for real?
These thoughts linger in your mind as the last sentence turns you on. You know how this may end with Huh Yunjin—you getting in trouble as she gets away with an unscathed and clean record because of her mother being the president of the parent’s organization of the university and… you absolutely hate it. Yes, it’s unfair and you curse yourself on what could happen but how could you deny such a hot girl like Yunjin? Her pretty face, captivating eyes, her plump, kissable lips, her hot figure, spankable ass—there’s just not enough time on how perfect she can be and if you were to be asked, you can’t help but be attracted to her.
Yes, it may sound hypocritical but you meant what you said, or at least, what you thought. Giving in to your desperation and desire, you utter an almost inaudible answer that raises Yunjin's attention towards you.
“O-Okay, Yunjin…”
“Okay what, baby, hm?”
She continues peppering your neck with kisses that drive you insane. Her body is incredibly close towards you and you can't help but moan with the emanating heat she's making you feel. 
She needs further clarification—she wants to hear what you really want and possibly, saying it with your heart out, like, you really meant it.
“More, Yunjin, please…”
Desperate pleas can't go unanswered as Yunjin wasted no time talking but rather in a form of latching. Latching in a way her lips suckled onto the sharp collarbone which earned a moan for you as she knew exactly what you wanted all along—and it's like you won't give in to that damn temptation.
“Like that baby? Like how my lips just… pepper your smooth skin full of kisses, hm?”
A soft moan fuels the fire of desire inside her. It was never new but something felt different and new at her end, but she brushes those things off as she averted her whole focus on marking you and kissing you all over.
“I love it when you moan for me, baby. Gladly, we're only getting started.”
Her fingers trace your pristine skin and up to your lips as she shut your moans, not letting any sound escape from it. 
“Well, let's up it an ante, shall we? I'm getting to know you a little more, baby~”
A little seduction is spicy and you fell for the trap that you'll absolutely be grateful of. Between the plethora of all of the possible things she can do to you, she wants only a single thing for now: and that's to feel how soft and good your lips taste, and especially, how they feel onto hers.
Latching her soft lips onto yours, you immediately reciprocate the kiss in probably less than a millisecond and you cherish it in every second possible as her lips are insatiable and tastes incredibly great. It was splendid and passionate, and you couldn't ask for more but the derivation towards lust makes you want more of it—rather, more of her.
Fuck foreplay—that is probably you, right now. 
You're not a big fan of build-ups nor teasing as you're incredibly impatient and it's proven to be tested right now and probably, you despise it—it's also maybe the fact that you're down bad for her at this moment. It's like you can do something to reach for climax immediately as you're deemed powerless, being captivated and allured under her spell, the animalistic urges inside you craving for more but you couldn't, yet. She'll let you drool over her and that only, for now. She's insatiable and you can't wait to get past the rising action. 
If you think about it, it's probably better like this before the main course as you can't help yourself from getting aroused from Yunjin's advances.
“God, you taste really good, baby. Is it your first time getting kissed on the lips, hm?”
You stutter and she giggles. She finds it rather cute that a man like you gets feeble around her and she smiles on that fact. It's even better because of the fact that you can't do anything to retaliate against her actions and she knows you won't.
“Liar, hehe~ I bet no one kissed you, or—this fucking good, hm?” 
Her stern tone turns you on more than you can imagine as she demands an answer yet the serenity of her voice contradicts the devil—the venom laced between her words of lust and greed.
“Say my name, baby.”
You're genuinely confused why would she need you to call her name—oh, maybe because she wants to know how much you love her, how much you love her stupidly-hot acts towards you. Her fingers then unbutton the first layer of your uniform swiftly and with you being so oblivious, you didn't notice how she's slowly undressing you.
“W-what do you mean, Yunjin?”
“There you go, baby~ Hmm—mwah. That's for being a good boy, hihi~”
A quick peck on the neck as she hears her name once again escaping from your lips. A quick peck as a result of her wants being attended and letting you know how much she loves this moment. You’re utterly confused but you don’t care—you want her now and no one’s stopping you from that.
“You know, baby—” Yunjin’s hands caresses your back as she feels the heat radiating upon the foreplay that’s happening, and that makes her smile genuinely. “—let’s do this somewhere private, y’know?”
A casual giggle involuntarily caused by her captivating actions escapes her lips. You know where this will be ending and you waste no time leading the way, already miles away, reading her mind.
“I'll lead you to the bathroom then, Yunjin.”
“Then do, baby~”
She then offers her hand gently as you insist on holding it slowly, leading the way to the bathroom. Once you got there, nothing held back as the unstoppable force met the immovable object—both of your lips crashing onto each other, exchanging sloppy kisses towards each other as she moaned from your aggressiveness. 
“Mmph, baby—ahh! You really, really kiss me so good~”
“Not really, you do, Yunjin.”
Yunjin blushed from your heartfelt compliment as you did feel the heat within your cheeks, painting it rosy-pink as you find the kiss so incredibly hot and passionate that you can't help yourself but let the tiger inside you to be unleashed. 
Unleash the beast, as a famous saying says (it clearly reflects what you’re feeling right now) and without containing the ferocity inside you, you unbridle it. Wasting no second, you connect your lips her onto her again, exchanging the sloppiest and the most lustful kisses imaginable and as time advances, there goes the dancing of your tongues, fighting for dominance.
“God—getting so messy with me, baby, hm?”
“Can't help that you're so fucking insatiable, Yunjin.”
She tugged onto your necktie once again as she pulled you towards her, whispering to your ear seductively as it's also enough to send tingles down your spine.
“I feel the same too, baby. You make me feel so good, it's insane~”
The adrenaline inside you is making you unstoppable right now as you can only imagine the possible fantasies of yours coming true, and you can't simply wait to do everything with Yunjin. 
Every. Single. Thing.
She's also cognizant of what will happen next, possibly and surely…
“Ahh—ahh! Baby, right there~ Yes!”
You then latch onto her neck and collarbones, suckling onto the porcelain skin of hers as it's maybe enough to mark her. Her inevitable moans came loose, her sinful releasing the long-shackled lustful cacophony of sex-filled sounds that she can't contain anymore—
“Like it, Yunjin?”
“I fucking love it, baby. I love it when you mark me like you really own me—god, yes!”
She's giving into submission and she inevitably will, slowly, and surely. That's your goal right now, and you'll show off every trick up in your sleeve just to get her into that.
A door is close, way too far and nigh-impossible to reach.
A door is slightly ajar, try to reach it, and eventually you will, then you'll open one and will open more. 
It'll be a domino effect—starting from a single one then will possibly try out everything you can think of.
The door will suddenly close, yet you'll already think of the fact that you've seized those opportunities.
And you'll start right now.
“I want more, Yunjin. Wanna see more—wanna taste more of you.”
Yunjin has that look—that slutty, desperate look of ardor in her eyes and the way it sparkles with lust and anticipation—yes, it's perfect.
“Getting daring, aren't we, baby? Ahh—keep kissing me first. Let them know how much you love it and how much you're mine, baby~ Oh fuck!”
“No, Yunjin—I want more of you, right now.”
Crazy how a sexual desire drives a man into his lowest—a deceitful strength; a vulnerable spot; his cock doing the thinking, and not his brain. Getting daring, you slowly coursed your hands onto the side of Yunjin's plaid skirt, caressing it as you slowly undress her bottom half, wanting to feel and see those meaty thighs—those thighs you've been drooling with since the start of this.
She moans loudly in response to your actions, so, to tone her down, you immediately crash your lips onto hers again—probably for the umpteenth time—as she reciprocates, now feeling her and tasting her. Your insatiability towards her is imaginable, so you immediately pull out and lay down to slowly undress her skirt as it came in, right after, is a work of art: her smooth, pristine thighs on your sight as the white panties being the cherry on top.
“God, Yunjin—your thighs are so—”
“Tasty? And probably, meaty? Yeah, I know, baby. My thighs are all for you to worship and kiss. Hmm��ahh—now, please—let them know how much you want them.”
She read you. It's probably like the first thought everyone will have in their mind once they see Yunjin's thighs—they can relate to you if they were in your shoes but luckily, you're the only one who's having her at this moment, no one else.
Here lies your needs. Onto the hunger of kissing the milky flesh in front of you, you immediately do what must be done and waste no time. Peppering her thighs with pecks in quick succession, plethora of lewd moans came right after—and it's like she's giving herself to you of her own accord.
You continue peppering and worshiping her thighs with kisses and marks and because of how you're making her feel too good, she can't help herself but hold onto your hair, scalp-deep as she needs an outlet to fight the sudden rush of pleasure. 
Her succulent flesh is way too irresistible to pull out as her moans even encourage you to go further, but you wanted to experience more things with her and kissing her thighs for a hot minute and a half is enough to fulfill one of your wants. 
“Baby kissed my thighs so good, hm? Love how delicious my thighs taste, hm? The sweat dripping out slowly and probably—hngg—m-my juices too, hihi~”
“Isn't it obvious, Yunjin? I'm fucking drooling all over these.”
She didn't need to ask honestly, her deep, captivating tone in her voice just sparks the fire within you and it just drives you crazy. It's an obvious yes as an answer to her question, and there's no hesitation in that.
“I want yours too, baby. It's unfair that you drooled all over me and I won't drool over anything about you~ Come on, baby~”
God—it's her seductive tone that really gets you riled up. You just want her whispering to your ear every damn day, teasing you and more—oh, it'll feel like a dream yet technically speaking, you're already living in that fantasy of yours.
As clever as she is, you undoubtedly know what she means by that so, positioning yourself to lean against the cubicle wall, she kneels down slowly, ready to unbuckle your defenses down to its last straw. She looks up at you seductively, her eyes glistening in need and lust as you caress her cheeks and encourage her to do more.
“Mind doing the honors for me, Yunjin?”
“Of course, baby~ You got me so fucking needy for you. I'm dying to taste this dick, baby.”
Noticing the inevitable bulge tenting onto your pants, she smirked at the sight that she made you like this and slowly undressed your bottom half how you did hers earlier. One by one, every piece of clothing is now deemed worthless as every defense is being unshackled and when it's only the last one left, she licks her mouth, getting ready for what you had in store for her.
In one swift motion, the beast inside is now unleashed from its genuinely frustrating restraints as it's rock-hard, almost hitting Yunjin in the face and already dripping with that infamous colorless liquid.
“God, w-wow… You're so big, baby~ I wonder if it can fit inside my mouth, hihi~”
Her puppy-like eyes curiously studied your length, right from your engorged head up to your swollen balls as she admired every inch of you and she leisurely stroked you which earned a moan that escaped from your mouth.
Sure, the wholeness of your dick will fit inside her tight, slutty throat. Not to mention how much she drooled all over your length once you've revealed it and by that, you could tell how much wonders she could do with it.
“Tell me, Yunjin, do you like what you're seeing?”
An unhesitant nod from her as here comes her seductive voice again—
“I do, baby—I fucking do—mwah!”
There starts the slow, passionate kiss on your already swollen head as she plays your leaking slit with her tongue, also, in accordance with the rhythm of her strokes on the base of your shaft. She kissed your mushroom-shaped head so lovingly, it caused you to moan her name alongside with ragged breaths as the sensitivity is way too much to handle.
“Moaning my name, baby? I can tell—you're loving this already, hihi~”
You nod, and that's enough as an answer to her question.
“T-Tell me, Yunjin, what do you want to do with my cock?”
She did hear you, but instead of answering you, she just doubles the efforts of kissing your length from the base up to your swollen tip. You don't like this so, you grip her hair forcefully slowly, demanding an answer escaping from her slutty, cock-hungry lips.
“I w-want to choke on it, baby.”
“Want to gag and drool all over it, baby.”
There's definitely more—
“Want to take this cock deep down so badly that I want my throat ravaged by it.”
“Want you to fuck my face with it as I struggle to breath while you do t-that to me, and then, you'll thrust your hips so hard that you're only goal is to destroy my slutty throat for my throat is only a cumdump for you, baby. Or, you can pull out and start painting my face with—”
Fear emanates her eyes as she's flummoxed about your sudden command towards her.
“You d-didn't like it, baby?”
“No, Yunjin—” You reposition yourself comfortably and lean yourself against the wall again, preparing for what's about to come. “—I'd rather see you do those things you’ve said rather than talking. Be my guest.”
She immediately fulfills what she'd said as constant licks and slurps reverberate around the puny cubicle you're in. She drools all over your cock, worshiping it with numbers of kisses to god knows how many—she just can't get enough of the succulent taste of your shaft.
She's maybe not the most experienced one in your opinion, but surely, she's making you feel great as her plump lips makes your brain go haywire in pleasure and it’s like it’s really made of cock-sucking. Sucking on your head gently, you moan and grip her hazelnut-colored streaks, an outlet to fight the constant course of pleasure.
“God—so fucking good, Yunjin. So so so fucking good—argh! Take me all in—s-shit!”
With your inevitable groans and subsequent moans, she takes this as fuel to up the ante of her pace, bobbing her head vigorously as she takes now half of your shaft, her saliva leaking out slowly on the side of her mouth. The liquid then drips down to your balls which she averted her attention too, not leaving it unattended.
She lathers it with her saliva as she sucks on one ball gently, making sure she's not hurting you in any kind as her aim is to stimulate you further and with her moderate rhythm of her strokes and the gentle care of attending your needs onto your balls, it's impossible to hide how good you're feeling—way better than you expected.
Gently and surely, she doesn't give you a break on the constant serotonin you're feeling. Having enough of your balls, she then goes onto doing the thing she's best at as the slurping sounds resumes and so is the constant gagging that keeps resonating around your ear. Having had enough of the slow stuff, she bobs her head frantically like she has something to prove to you as she went deeper, her throat welcoming the entirety of your length as she gags again in response—her gag literally echoing around the restroom as a hint of panic hits you as someone may barge in to know what's happening, mostly those janitors. Tears inevitably begin flowing down her cheek, messing up the mascara she had on—and it's just better seeing her getting ruined slowly.
Eventually, she pulls out as oxygen is to blame, her gleeful smile meeting you as she still strokes your shaft at a snail's pace.
“You l-like that, baby? You like h-how my tight throat constricts when your head hits the back of m-my throat, hm? You like how good I made you feel?
“S-shut up, Yunjin—do more of that and less talking, okay?”
“What a tsundere… Hmm—mwah!” Yunjin peppers your swollen head with numerous kisses as she continues her dirty talk that sends your arousal higher than the sky. She didn't mind how hypocritical your response is because all that matters is that she did a great job at pleasuring you and it's evident and you can't lie with that.
“Don't you dare lie in front of your teeth, baby—I know you liked it so much. I could even hear you moaning my name repeatedly and wanting mo—”
Well, that's another way to shut her up, for now…
If your words can't shut her slutty mouth up, then maybe taking your cock once again will do. It's really effective, considering how she struggles once you thrust your hips into her throat, making her gag and hum in satisfaction. In every thrust you do, she welcomes it in her tight cavern with open arms as she grabbed your hips almost-so-tightly in order to have stability while fucking her face. The pace quickens immediately, bringing in an onslaught of thrusts in a rapid succession which she enjoyed—she's maybe struggling considering how harsh you're using her throat but you didn't care as your pleasure comes first, and she even enjoys it too. After two minutes of a hot, sloppy (the saliva seeping out of her mouth are in copious amounts) facefucking, she tapped your thigh as she's visibly lacking oxygen and immediately, you pulled out of her tightness.
She gasps for air, struggling to breathe as it almost feels like you ravaged her throat completely. She smiled towards you, coughing a little as her mouth was used like a fleshlight, most likely, a cocksleeve in her (possibly yours too) own terms. She feels like a toy whose only purpose is to pleasure his master and no one else and she absolutely loved it. 
“Oh f-fuck, baby. You used m-my throat so well, hehe~ Now, you gotta finish what you've started i-in my mouth.”
Sticking her tongue out just to invite you to fuck her face again, you fall in under the spell of lust as you insert your length inside her mouth again, and suddenly, the pleasure courses down your veins as the warmth of her throat envelops and welcomes your cock like in a warm embrace. 
You're reflecting as you fuck her mouth mercilessly. You want to save that energy for later—
“Actually, Yunjin, just finish me off. Suck me like you fucking mean it, you slut.”
And off she goes, fulfilling your desires. You could feel that familiar sensation down your loins even earlier, and it's not even that far off now as your orgasm is nearly coming.
Look down as the hazelnut-haired girl bobs onto your penis like she means it—like what you've said—and you let it all out. She feels the persistent throbs of your length inside her throat as she plunges her mouth balls deep, her nose pressing onto the base of your shaft as you fill her cavern up to the hilt and welcoming another side—using it as a canvas for you to paint on. Series of hot, thick semen deposits inside her mouth, painting her throat like you have something to prove—to prove how much she's yours, maybe, just for this moment. Spurt after spurt, she closes her eyes as she feels the incredible volume of your load and the succulent taste of it—she can already feel how much your seed tastes good as her taste buds involuntarily chase the flavor of it, like it's her favorite dessert to indulge in anytime.
After your orgasm dies out (it lasted for at least twenty-two seconds, estimated, since your brain went haywire because of the pleasure), you pull out of her mouth and see streaks of her saliva and your cum as your length becomes lathered by it. Yunjin, as the clever girl she is, cleans your cock without being commanded to do so as she licks all over it, sucking and slurping all over the conglomeration of liquids and gathering it all. For one last time, she pulls out and gathers all of the cum that she can and sticks her tongue to show you how much your load is, and then, swallowing all of it within a single gulp and then showing to you her tongue again, smooth and clean as all of your seed is now into her stomach.
“Gosh, baby. That was so fucking good. That was like, the most delicious load I had ever tasted—god, I wanted more of it.”
If she wants another one, then she needs to earn it like a good girl yet, the both of you had more plans with each other, and it feels like a magnetic connection—the both of you suddenly read each other's minds on what the both of you want.
“I want more of you, baby—like, way much more… Like, I want to feel you, baby—deep inside me.  ”
Well, here we go—
“But baby, I'll let you choose though. Consider this as your luckiest day as you'll get to feel me, hehe~ It's either you wanna fuck me senseless while you rail my tight, little cunt or—” Yunjin slowly takes off her panties, giving you an unholy sight of her holes, which made your cock twitched involuntarily—she's way too fuckable at this moment and too hot to handle. “—you could shove your entire length up in my ass and finger me until I cum uncontrollably.”
These choices are way too tempting and of course, more difficult than ever. You wanna feel her tight cunt clenching and possibly, creaming—which is probably not hard consider how wet she is right at the start—around your shaft while you fuck from behind but also, you can’t let the opportunity fade of fucking her tight asshole and fingering her pussy, all at the same time.
Well, there are also second-hand thoughts within those choices: is there any lube whenever you made your choice on fucking her ass—
“Don’t you worry, baby, I have my lube here, in my uniform pocket.”
—and is no one going to know all of the sinful events that are about to happen within the next few minutes?
“And baby, no one’s gonna know about this as you know how I can get out of things like this. My mother has power and authority in this university so you, and I, will be safe from any trouble, hihi~”
Well, that answers anything you’ve been afraid of…
“So, what is it going to be, hm, baby? Come on—” Yunjin slowly seats onto the toilet (and of course, it’s been covered since the beginning) and spreads her legs wide slowly, presenting her already dripping cunt and her puckered hole, tempting the devil inside you. “—don’t keep a girl waiting.”
Takes you several seconds before coming up to a decision that you’ll surely won’t regret.
“I’d love to fuck you from behind, Yunjin.”
“On what hole, bab—”
“Both of them, your pussy first—”
Well, she’s caught off-guard and perplexed by your sudden need and aggressiveness as you grab her wrists tightly, and then turn her facing the wall. The lust and greed already consumed you and there’s no one stopping you, not even her as you can easily overpower her without breaking a damn sweat.
“I s-said only a single option, bab—”
“No, no, no, Yunjin. That’s not how the games are going to be played—” You spank the creamy flesh in front of you as it jiggles in response, you then smirking as the downfall of Yunjin’s control ensues—herself submitting into pure submissiveness that you dearly wished to see. 
“—I’m the one who’s in fucking control now, Yunjin and don’t tell me you don’t want all of your holes stuffed with only my cock, hm?”
“No what, Yunjin?”
You gently gripped her neck, choking her as you force an answer to escape from her lips. Such a demand is needed immediately, and you don’t want to be a part of Yunjin's games anymore and you want to show her what exactly you can do to her.
“G-god—I—what I m-mean is that, no—I won’t s-say anything like that b-because this—is—ahh—what I wa-wanted all along!”
You loosen your grip onto her neck and avert your fingers across her clit, stimulating and teasing her and not-so-surprisingly, she moans seductively as the pleasure is starting to get into her and you love seeing how she’s drowning in need—you should’ve done this in front of the restroom’s mirrors, so you can see her ahegao-like expressions that surely, will arouse you further.
“You like that, Yunjin? Like how I make you a whimpering mess on my fingers, hm? Wow, you’re drenched and so fucking wet.”
“Y-yes, baby, I like—”
“Wrong fucking word, Yunjin.”
And then, that hits her, she realizes that she can’t do anything but be the good, submissive toy for her—
“Daddy. I’m very, very sorry, daddy.”
“Good girl—you clever girl, hm?”
You tease her more and more, earning the sexiest of moans escaping out of Yunjin’s mouth as she pleads you to fuck her already but you insist, letting the carnal desires inside you be tamed, for now. You wanted to get her as wet as possible—not to mention how wet her pussy is already, nectar dripping all over her thighs and staining her socks—so you do just that.
“Really want to feel me, huh?”
Another harsh spank to her bubble butt marks it red, enough for the sting of pain to be felt until later as it echoes around the tiny cubicle. You can't wait to feel her tight walls as her desperation and pleas ignite the fuel inside you to resist the temptation and with her continuous pleas to let her out of her misery, a flick of a switch is all it takes as you take her in.
Her velvety walls hug your shaft so tight that you groan in half-pain, half-pleasure—it feels like her pussy walls constrict so hard that its life probably depends on it. With how wet she is, it isn't any hard thrusting in and formulating a pleasurable pace as you form a moderate rhythm from time to time. Her moans were just inevitable too, alongside her chants that were probably part of the symphony of a lewd orchestration of sounds. 
“Fuck me h-harder, daddy! I want it rough s-so what are you waiting f—”
A slap on her butt probably lets her know how you're now in control, and not her yet you think to yourself that you need to destroy her cunt to teach her a lesson. A mere adequate attempt from her for you to play rough with her almost sends you into overdrive as she lures you into the deepest abyss of lust. Even if you deemed her attempts futile and ineffective, you're just saying to yourself how hypocritical you are.
You wanted to ruin the beautiful image of Huh Yunjin, letting everybody probably know how much of a slut she is for cock—
“Don't you fucking worry, Yunjin—I'll pound you so hard and fast that the only thing you'll feel is my cock ravaging your tight, little hole and nothing else. Heck yeah, I would maybe even make you forget your own name and the last thing you'll actually do is beg for my mercy while you can't take it anymore—because I'm going to fucking ruin you, Huh Yunjin, the school's slut.”
Letting out the profanities and the devil inside you, you work your way into making her for you to ultimately use. You waste no times in build-ups as you pound her tight cunt like you're proving something to her—proving how worthy you are to probably own her pussy and how good you'll fuck her throughout this session.
You ram into her hard and fast, letting your animalistic urges take over your body as you didn't stop even a slight second. The clashing of both of your bodies becomes so frequent that sweat is beginning to form onto your forehead and to your back, considering how hard you're fucking her brains out like you're rearranging her guts.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, daddy! You're so deep in me! Keep f-fucking me until you make me a creamy mess! Oh fuck, daddy~”
She moans uncontrollably with every thrust you do into her and she tries to silence it by biting the clothing of her uniform but it wasn't enough. And it's like she can conceal how much of a slut she is for your cock—and there's nothing she can do either. 
She clings onto anywhere she can just to have a greater grip on what's ravaging her pussy. Another attempt of silencing her moans is futile, so you grab her locks, pulling it slowly onto you to let everybody know who she really is.
“You l-like how I fuck your pussy like this, hm, Yunjin? I bet no one fucked this good in your entire life. Let the whole university know how much of a fucking—slut—you are!”
She responds in guttural groans and lustful moans as you drive her insane with your cock—her mind only being flooded about sex, and maybe that only.
“Oh god—daddy, I'm so close! Please let Yunjin cum, please let me cum—cum, cum—I'm cumming!!”
A spank delivered to her backside by your naughty hands is the indication of—
“Then cum, Yunjin—all over… my cock…”
And there she goes, letting everything out as her visceral moans broke the tow, and off she goes, creaming all over your throbbing length like a broken faucet out of control. You want her to take a little breather, so you slow down your thrusts while riding her beautiful orgasm out that lasts for almost a hot minute (roughly like thirty-five seconds but that'll do).
“Now, it's your turn, daddy, hihi~ Cum inside me, please!”
You resume your frantic thrusts and ignore her wants of filling her pussy, aiming to achieve your high too and chasing it as fast as possible.
You definitely want to finish inside her tight, little cunt but a sudden hit of reflection made you think of another option (and also by the fact that a slut like her wants to be bred and you don't want to finish inside her while she's not safe).
She's too spoiled, anyways. With that possible privilege, now is the time to break the tow and maybe, you'll be the first to do it.
“No, Yunjin—” You whisper onto her ears and immediately, and even so, painfully pull out of her pussy as she wails, wanting you to fuck her hole until you ride out your high but you have other ways on settling this mess. “—I'm going to fuck your creamy thighs until I cum, okay? Now, it's up to you to catch all the cum with your hands to taste it or let it go down in waste as I paint the cubicle walls white.”
She definitely wants that idea, for sure. You can sense it even though you can't really see the emotions on her face—she's way too readable now, and there's nothing she can do to let her wants be attended to, either.  
“Daddy's going to fuck these meaty thighs until I cum, okay, Yunjin?”
“Yes, daddy! Please do fuck my thighs—you're still going to fuck me from b-behind, daddy?”
“Yes, Yunjin, and I hope you're prepared.”
She's even more than prepared as you position your throbbing length between her thighs, she then anticipating what's coming next. Her thighs suffocate your cock for dear life and thanks to her wetness dripping down the meaty flesh and also the wetness of your cock due to her own fluids, it wasn't difficult to thrust and hammer between her immaculately perfect thighs.
Thrust after thrust comes moans and groans from you as she hugs your entire shaft tighter than ever, making sure you'll get the utmost pleasure you'll ever desire. Not so long, you're now starting to develop your pace frantically as your hips go wild as the lust drives you into oblivion—the will of greed powering every thrust to chase your nearly-impeded orgasm earlier.
Of course, the inevitable comes closer than you expected.
“I'm so close, Yunjin—fuck! I wanna just fuck these thighs all day. Argh, so fucking close—I'm going to fucking cum!”
“Cum for me, daddy, please!”
It feels like another dormant volcano erupts, sending magnitudes of pleasure all over your body as peak euphoria is achieved within an exhilarating act. Multiple streaks of semen splutters from your slit—probably up to four, if you can count it right—as Yunjin tries to catch it all but all she can do is cling onto the walls . She is unsuccessful in catching the wholeness of your load but manages to capture a little and with her hunger for your taste, she licks the little amount clean on her fingers, humming soundly as she's satisfied to taste your load again.
“Never fails to amaze me, daddy. So delicious, as expected, hihi~”
She then strokes you slowly, not wanting your hardness to die fast as there's more things to do with her. She knows how painful and sensitive you feel right now and her dainty fingers and dexterity of it aims to get you hard (even though you're definitely rock-hard towards her, still) for her as the last course on the menu is nearing. At least she's a bit concerned about what you want to feel, and also concerned with her own pleasure too. 
“Now, daddy—” Yunjin faces you as both your eyes make contact with each other, sparkling with anticipation and greed. She then made the first move as she thought of something that has been lingering inside her mind since you started fucking her almost senseless. “—you said something earlier about fucking my ass and I was thinking that, maybe, you can fuck me while I see your face, daddy. Don't you love the thought of it?”
Of course you do love it and she doesn't need to ask that. You love how lewd her expressions are—even though you can't see it but deep in your heart you know that her face does those expressions inevitably—while you fuck her like it's your last and the pleasure converting her face into pure submissiveness and lust. Also, to top it all off, you want to do something that for sure, will make this experience more than memorable, written down in the history books of your life.
“Of course I do, Yunjin. I'll hammer your ass hard like what I did to your pussy—I'll gape this tight, little asshole so hard that you'll walk out here wobbly and struggling.”
“Then you'll need to carry me out here, daddy. Fuck me until my legs give out—give me everything you got, daddy.”
The sensitivity fades faster than the speed of light as Yunjin's dirty talk reignites the fuel of lust inside you. Handing you the small bottle of lube in her pocket, you lather a decent amount on your hand and spread it onto your cock. You then command her to bend over in order to have a greater grip in spreading the lube around the rim, and the tight walls of her asshole. She lets out a ragged breath and a moan as the cold liquid comes into contact onto her puckered hole. You continue lathering her asshole with lube and warming her up until she breaks the silence.
“Daddy, I h-have something to confess to you…”
“What is it, Yunjin?”
It takes her several seconds to respond as the pleasure of teasing her asshole with your fingers is getting over the limit of her nerves to handle—it's maybe too much to handle but she never insists you to stop and you won't.
“My ass, hasn't been fucked, yet—and y-you're probably going to be the first one who will open me up in my other h-hole…”
A bold confession to a girl like her is a bit surprising as it feels like she already experienced a lot more than what you could imagine but that expectation falters once it's factual that she still has her anal virginity—you can hear the sincerity in her voice.
“B-But you've experienced this before, Yunjin? Like with your toys and stuff?”
A hint of sweat drips down your forehead as you're a little bit nervous considering that maybe, it is really her first time experiencing a phallic object will be taken up in her ass.
Even though you're driven mad with lust, there's still heart in you and concern came first.
“Yeah… Only a couple of times with a dildo but it never really felt the same but now—” Yunjin holds both sides of your arms as her eyes ignite with seriousness, wanting you to fulfill her needs by feeling your length up in her ass for the first time.
One thing's for sure before you make a move: she'll be tighter than ever, and even may rival the tightness of the gripping walls of her pussy.
Knowing how well-lubed up her rim and your already throbbing length are, you waste no time and impale Yunjin's incredibly tight asshole with your rod. Even with just the mushroom-shaped tip inside her inviting hole, you can't fathom how incredibly tight she is. She eases up her muscles for both of your comfort and slowly, and surely, you insert your length into her deeper and deeper, the lubrication really helping out a lot.
“It s-still feels a bit weird—but anyways, fuck me daddy! I c-can take it!”
“Really, Yunjin? You sure?”
A broken melody escapes her lips and interrupts her moans, “Yes, daddy—please just fuck my ass… I c-can take it.”
And who are you to refuse that? No, you won't and now having a better grip of her ass—and thanks to her anal muscles easing up and helping you fight against the incredible vacuum-like tightness—you start thrusting into her, slowly and delicately, cherish every second of fucking her incredible ass. You spank her buttocks hard as a moan from hers is the response, the moan of need and lust as she smiles almost maniacally at you, feeling euphoric from the experience. 
As much as you want to see her get fucked with her uniform still on—because it's one of your fetishes—you want to see what she's packing underneath that white blouse of hers. You then immediately latch your hands on the buttons of her uniform, undressing it slowly and thankfully, Yunjin doesn't care and wants to get herself naked for you, letting you see what she has in store for you and you're probably going to drool with the sight of that.
Like a prophet, you did predict your own actions almost accurately as undressing her final defense, which is her white-laced bra. With her sheepish expressions maybe because of your possible disappointed judgment, you reassure her as you are met with a perky set of her mounds with taut pink nipples that you're ready to drool over with.
“Sorry if it's not too—”
“You're not sorry, Yunjin—” You up the ante of your pace of hammering her ass as you fondle the soft, pillowy flesh in front of you, making her moan in ecstasy as everything seems going perfect for her. 
“—in fact, I love it so much—mwah—wanna suck on these all night, not gonna lie—fuck, you're incredibly hot, Yunjin.”
“Gah—ahh! Daddy! T-thank you for that. You make m-me feel so good—so, so good, daddy!”
With your frantic pace of thrusts inside her tight hole, you can't help but moan soundly as it feels way too euphoric to be true. Latching your tongue lightly onto her erect bud, she moans in delight, and it is so hot that it keeps you going. You also want to stimulate her so much that you want the dam inside her to break, and considering how she's been touching herself since the start of your anal session, she'll get on her euphoric high in no time.
“Gah—daddy, I'm going to fucking cum! So, so much—all over you, daddy!”
Announcing the nearing peak of her orgasm, you fuck her gaped hole like an animal in intense need, letting the lust and your ultimate will inside you power your hips to do the fastest, most uncontrollable thrusts known to man. Your urge to destroy her asshole and her asshole only is indomitable as the devil inside takes over you, plowing her ass like it's your last. 
You're close and she knows it well considering how much you're throbbing inside her. She knows this and that's why she helps you chase your own orgasm too and hers, wanting to cum with you in unison.
“I'm close too, Yunjin—I'm going to fucking cum balls deep inside this incredible ass of yours—I'm going to fucking cum!”
“Me too, daddy—cum with me, please!”
And there goes everything.
The rush of adrenaline through your veins soon comes to an end and so do your thrusts. You buried down your entire length inside her walls, filling her up to the hilt and the goal has now been achieved: filling her absolutely with thick shots of semen, painting her insides white.
It is euphoric rearranging her guts to the fullest. Groan after groan comes spurts of your load being deposited inside her ass as her moans encourage you for more and so you do. Yunjin herself reaches her high as she sprays her nectar all over your toned abdomen as she comes harder than earlier, leaving her breathless and enervated from the wildest session she had been. After your orgasm has died out, you then slowly pull out of her—and she's still oh-so-tight even though she has been gaped like crazy with your actions—to see what you've done—to see what you've become: a monster, blinded by lust as every drip of white leaks out slowly, out of her asshole. She then reaches for her metallic buttplug and inserts it inside her puckered hole slowly as she doesn't want the cum dripping out of her thighs after she walks out of here—she's still in public, so that makes sense and she doesn't want to get embarrassed.
You filled her well. Too well. She's going to feel that load until later.
Not wanting the moment to die so fast, you initiate another heated kiss with her again as she immediately reciprocates, letting her know how much you loved this moment and how you'll cherish this, forever.
“God, daddy—you still filled me up so well… I'm also sure, you're completely drained, right?”
“Yeah, Yunjin… *coos* I'm way too drained—thanks for this, though. It felt very euphoric—and good. Thank you…”
“No, baby—I need to thank you. You made me feel like this and I never felt this before—like, this felt enchanting, meeting you…”
You faintly smile and face her, blushing from her remarks. You then kiss each other for the last time, wanting to savor the built-up need and lust for this one moment, once more. With a little panic making your heart skip a beat, you then help her prepare herself and yourself, cleaning what you also could so no one will suspect all of the sinful events that happened inside this cubicle.
“I could barely feel my legs though, baby...”
“Oh no—will you get in trouble for that, Yunjin?”
“You'll need to carry me out if here, baby—that's what it means, hihi~”
Panic courses through you as you're shocked on what she said, not prepared on what she's really planning.
“I'm kidding, baby—I can still walk though. I'll just make up an excuse that my feet just feels painful suddenly. Neither of us will get in trouble, don't worry.”
You then slowly unlock the cubicle door, making it “vacant” and then, open it. Yunjin kisses your cheek one more time as a token of gratitude before smiling at you genuinely, her eyes speaking words of being thankful for such an incredibly euphoric session.
“Oh! Before I leave—give me your phone, baby.”
“I d-don't have it on me, right now…”
You know where this is going and you don't want this opportunity to fade away. You frown in disbelief of your phone being nowhere near you as it's on your locker yet with a clever mind like her, she opts for another option, also, not wasting this opportunity.
“Do you… have a ballpen though? Like... any kind?”
That, you do. 
Without any time to waste, you give her your black ballpoint pen as she grabs your hand gently, going to use it as the canvas.
“Hope you don't mind this, baby and… there you go! That's mine, okay? Text me when you get home, okay? I'll be gone for now and… thank you, again—so, so much, baby. You may leave after me for like—uhm… a few minutes so no one will suspect what we did here, baby, hehe~”
And you're now captivated with her. Who are you to blame though? A girl like her will make any other men go crazy but in this moment, she's the only one you see and so she is. You loved this moment and so she did too, and that concludes another exhilarating yet memorable day for you.
You seized every opportunity you had with her at that given moment, and you're glad that you've opened them all up.
“Bye, baby, see you tomorrow—or… maybe later, hihi~”
What a day written into your own history books. It truly is and you wanted more…
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leilakisakabiri · 2 years ago
request: Hi can you do where the reader is wearing Gavis hoodie and she accidentally stains it and starts freaking out. Thank uuu and i love ur writing
I Got You (Gavi)
Summary: You need Gavi to come help you after you get yourself into a bad situation.
Warning(s): None
A/N: Thank you so much for the request and for your support! Requests are open. Currently working on The Promises We Keep Pt 2. Also, guys if I haven't done your request yet, don't worry, it probably means it's gonna be a long one.
Word Count: 3.1k+
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It was a Saturday night in Barcelona, and you were holed up in your room, feet tucked under you, a knitted blanket over your shoulders as you read over the words in front of you for the hundredth time.
While the city was alight with people getting drinks, dancing, and laughing, you silenced your phone, closed your blinds, and put your headphones on to quiet any outside noises. 
You had decided to stay in this weekend, caught up in writing an essay for your criminal law class that was worth 50% of your grade. Safe to say you did not take it lightly. You had been hunched over your computer for the last nine hours, brain numb and fingers aching as you had tried to come up with a thesis and strong argument for your essay. You had blocked out this weekend to finish the essay, letting everyone know ahead of time not to contact you unless it was an emergency, including Gavi. 
Gavi had been gone for the last couple of days, traveling around Europe for the last leg of La Liga, and he had been adamant about spending as much time with you as he could once he got back - before his summer schedule kicked off. However, that hope was quickly cut short when you informed him you most likely wouldn’t be able to see him at all this weekend due to you being stuck finishing your essay. 
Although he had tried to convince you to change your mind, bribing you with the idea of endless cuddles and then promising to be as silent as possible while you wrote when his first idea didn’t work, you relented, knowing that having him around would be a major distraction, one that you couldn’t afford. 
“I’m sorry Pablo I don’t think I can this weekend. What about Monday?” You asked hopefully. 
He sighed over the phone, his face pulling into a frown, “I can’t. We’re leaving Monday morning for France.”
You bit on your lip, feeling bad, “I’m sorry I just really need to focus this weekend.” 
He nodded, “I get it. It just sucks. I wanted to see you at least once before I’m gone again. But it’s fine – I’ll survive.” He replied dramatically. 
You grinned, “Well I’ll miss you Pablito.” 
“I already miss you.” 
The smile on your face only grew as your heart warmed at his words, “I’ll text you if anything changes. Have a great game, I’ll be watching.” 
He gave you a wink, “Damn gotta show off now that my girls watching.” 
You giggled at him, “Bye Pablo.” 
He mocked your tone playfully, “Bye Y/n.” 
That was last week, and now you were nose deep in your essay, textbooks scattered around you as you looked for possible quotes to strengthen your thesis. You had been so busy scanning the words on the page that you hadn’t noticed your phone buzzing non-stop next to you. 
Once you saw the glow of your phone screen curiosity got the better of you and you flipped it around seeing you had eight missed calls from your best friend. 
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, it was almost two in the morning, she would for sure be at a club right now, happily dancing the night away with your friends, so why was she consistently calling you? 
The phone buzzed once again and this time you were quick to answer. 
“Hello, Gia, what’s going on?” 
Her voice was slurred on the other end, but you could sense the panic regardless, “Y/n? I don’t know where I am, I was with the others but then I went to the bathroom, and I then couldn’t find anyone anymore. And this guy won’t leave me alone-”
“Gia, where are you? I’ll come get you.” You cut off her rambling, already rushing to put on your shoes, essay long forgotten. 
She hiccupped, “I’m at Macarena. I’m sorry no one else answered.” 
“No, no problem at all. I’m coming right now, Gia. Don’t move. I’m glad you called.” You comforted her. 
The club was only a twenty-minute walk from your house, and seeing as you didn’t have a car or the time to wait for public transport, it was your best option. 
You cursed yourself for not answering sooner as you rushed to get your keys, grabbing a random hoodie on the way out. 
Although summer was beginning to creep into Barcelona, the nights were still chilly with cold winds rushing through the area. 
You sped through the streets, walking with purpose as you finally reached the club. You were severely underdressed for the club wearing a random hoodie and yoga pants. You saw the line for the club was still extremely long, wrapping around the corner and you knew you had no time to waste. 
You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, you were never one to break any rules or ask for any special favors, but now seemed like a good time to start. 
You walked up to the club bouncer, ignoring the nasty look the guy at the front of the queue was sending you, “Excuse me. I need to get in right away, my friend is inside alone, and I need to help her.” 
You heard the guy next to you scoff. 
The bouncer looked at you unimpressed. “Sorry sweetheart. You want to get to her, you have to wait in line.” 
You relented, “Sir please, just look at my outfit,” you said gesturing to yourself, “clearly, I’m not here to party, I just need to get my friend and leave. You can even come with me!” 
He gave you an apprehensive look, taking in your appearance, “I can’t leave my post.” 
You groaned, “Fine, then can someone else escort me? I can literally call her right now. She’s not in the right head space.” 
He squinted his eyes at you, “You look familiar.” 
It finally clicked. This is where you had gone with Gavi and his team, celebrating after they had won a final a few weeks ago. They had treated you like royalty, blocking off a whole section just for you, the club owner even making an appearance to congratulate the team.
You didn’t like to use the fact that you were dating a well-known athlete as a way to get special privileges but if it meant helping your friend then you would do it. 
“Yeah, I was in VIP a few weeks ago. I know the owner, so please let me in.”
“What’s his name?” 
You racked your brain trying to think of that night, “Santiago. It was Santiago!” You replied, finally remembering. 
The bouncer gave you a once over before he finally nodded begrudgingly, “Fine – but be quick.” 
You heard the other people in line begin to argue but you quickly thanked the bouncer, rushing inside, not wanting to wait long enough for him to change his mind. 
God bless Gavi.
The place was packed, bodies pressed together so closely that you had to squeeze in between heavily making out couples and groups of friends to make your way to the middle. The strobe lights were going crazy, changing every few seconds to the beat of the music. There was a DJ booth twenty feet above the crowd playing EDM Spanish music and the crowd was going insane, chanting along. 
You hit your head on your forehead as you realized you forgot to ask her where she was. 
You pulled out your phone, letting out a breath of relief when she answered, “I’m here Gia. Where are you?” 
“I’m at- I said no, stop, I’m at the bar.” She huffed. You felt your anxiety rise, who was she talking to? 
“Ok, I’m coming.” 
You pushed through the throngs of people, finally spotting the bar, seeing her leaning against the counter, hands flying as she argued with someone. 
You walked towards them hearing the tail end of their conversation, a bad feeling in your stomach.
“Gia!” You yelled, coming to stand next to her. 
She gave you a relieved look, falling into you, the effort of standing up being too much. 
You caught her, hugging her back. 
“Oh wow – two for one. I got a buddy that would love you.” 
You steadied Gia looking up to see the guy she was talking with giving you a smirk. 
You held his gaze, annoyed, “No thanks. We’re leaving now.” 
You went to turn but he caught your wrist pulling you back, the drink in his hand sloshing,
“Woah, don’t go yet, the fun’s just getting started. Look my buddies are in VIP we can hook you up.” 
You yanked your hand away, giving him a disgusted look, “First don’t touch me. Second, we’re leaving.” 
“You’re not leaving.” He persisted. 
You raised an eyebrow, “Fucking watch me.” 
He reached for you again, but you were prepared, grabbing his hand, and flinging it off you, as you weaved into the crowd, ignoring his shouts. 
You let out a breath as you stepped outside of the club, grateful for the cold air after sweating through your hoodie in the packed club. 
You adjusted your hold on Gia, holding her waist as you started the trek back to your apartment. 
She stumbled over her steps as you walked, giggling, “Oh my god Y/n your bleeding!” 
You gave her a confused look, dragging her, “What?” 
She giggled again, reaching for your hoodie, “It’s coming from your stomach, look it’s red!” She pointed at your shirt. 
You looked down and you stopped in your tracks, breath hitching as you began to panic, “Oh shit Gia I’m wearing Gavi’s hoodie!” 
She stopped as well, letting go of you as she plopped onto the ground, staring up at you,
“So? He’s going to be so mad at me. That dick spilled his drink on me. This is a white hoodie – who knows if it will come out?” You stressed.
“It’s-" she hiccupped, “fine.” 
You shook your head, “No It’s not it’s his favorite hoodie, I didn’t even realize I was wearing it. Fuck, I have to clean as soon as we get home.” 
You started walking before you realized she wasn’t following you. 
You turned around to see her slumped against the sidewalk, eyes closed. 
You rushed to her side, shaking her, “Gia? Gia, are you okay?” 
She hummed, “I don’t feel so good.” 
“Can you walk? We’re almost halfway there.” You asked, helping her sit up so she was leaning against you. 
She groaned, “I’m going to throw up.” 
You looked around anxiously, unsure of what to do. You had left the main strip of clubs and restaurants, and were now on a back road, walking in an area that was dimly lit and that you weren’t too familiar with. 
“I can call an Uber.” 
You reached into your pocket, cursing yourself as you realized you had forgotten your wallet in the rush to get to the club. 
“Shit, I don’t have my wallet. Do you have yours?” 
“Antonio.” She groaned, leaning her head against your shoulder. 
You let out a huff, contemplating what to do. You attempted to get her to stand up once again, desperate to get out of the area, but she couldn’t stand, and you weren’t strong enough to carry her the rest of the way. You chewed on your lip debating a solution, but you didn’t want to do it unless it was the absolute, last, last resort. 
You spent the next five minutes calling all your friends, but no one answered. You groaned, frustrated, knowing you had run out of options. 
You heard your friend beginning to doze off and you shook her, “Gia stay awake.” 
She moaned, “Y/n I really don’t feel good. I don’t know what’s wrong.” 
Your finger hovered over the contact, and you finally pressed it, feeling the guilt build inside. 
It rang seven times before going to voicemail. You called back. 
On the third ring, the line finally connected, 
“Y/n? Why are you calling me so late?” Gavi’s voice was thick with sleep, his words murmured. 
Hearing his voice sent a pang of relief through you, and suddenly you didn’t feel so alone,
“Gavi I’m sorry. I really need your help.” 
He was up in an instant, wide awake, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m stuck in the middle of the road with Gia. She got drunk and I went to get her but now I’m worried there’s something wrong. She can’t get up and we’re all alone. I don’t have any money. I called our friends, but no one answered, I-I didn’t know what to do.” You rushed out. 
You heard his breath accelerate on the other end of the line, “Ok don’t worry baby I’m coming. Send me your address, everything’s going to be okay. Just stay on the phone with me.” He reassured you. 
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Thank you so much Gavi.”
You heard his car door open, “Anytime. If anything happens like this again you call me first, okay?” 
You stayed on the phone with him, rubbing Gia’s shoulder to comfort her, readjusting her whenever she began to doze off. 
Finally, you saw a familiar car pull onto the street, and you waved your hands, trying to get him to see you. 
The car made a quick turn and then Gavi was rushing out, a worried look on his face, 
“Oh thank god you’re okay. I was so worried.” 
“I’m so sorry for waking you. Thank you for coming.” 
“Y/n stop apologizing.” He said, helping you carry Gia to the car. 
Upon feeling that she was being lifted, her eyes shot open, “Y/n what’s going on?”
She glanced over to her left seeing Gavi before she turned to look at you, it took two seconds for her eyes to widen and then she was whipping her head back, “Gavi? The hell y-you doing here?” 
You giggled at her abruptness, “I had to call for help.” 
She turned to you, snuggling into your shoulder affectionately, “You’re the best Y/n. She was a rockstar today.” She spoke, as you both pushed her into the car. 
Gavi raised his eyebrow at you as you both got in, “A rockstar eh?” 
You rolled your eyes, “She’s just spewing nonsense.” 
Gia groaned in the back, hands clumsily coming to slap your shoulder, “Ehh don’t lie Y/n. You should have seen the way she talked to those guys – even I was scared.” 
You saw Gavi’s grip on the steering wheel tighten, his posture stiffened as he looked over at you,
“Guys? What guys?” 
You opened your mouth to reply but Gia beat you to it. 
“This one guy, he kept trying to get me to come with him, but then Y/n was like no way we’re leaving, and then he started hitting on her, but then he tried to grab her, and she karate chopped his hand! He was so embarrassed!” 
You felt yourself blushing at her recollection of events, “I did not karate chop his hand!” 
“Yes, you did. It was like in midair when he was talking about his friend that liked you, and then I blinked, and it was gone!”
“Did he try anything?” Gavi’s voice was hard, as he looked at you.
You shook your head, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “No don’t worry. We were fine.” 
You felt his body relax under your touch, and one of his hands came to grip your own, “You should have called me sooner. I’m sorry you had to deal with that asshole.” 
You felt your heart flutter at his words, “Don’t worry I handled it. But thank you, next time I will.” 
Soon you were pulling up to your apartment and hauling Gia up your steps. 
“I really wish we had an elevator right now.” Gia groaned as she was being half pulled, half carried up the steps. 
You made eye contact with Gavi after hearing her statement, and you had to bite your cheek not to laugh out loud, 
“You and me both G.”
Finally, you reached your apartment, and all let out a sigh of relief as she fell onto your bed, passing out almost immediately. 
You cringed as you saw her head land centimeters away from the sharp edge of one of your textbooks. 
You reached over, clearing the space so she was able to sleep without the risk of a concussion. 
You looked up once the area was cleaned to see Gavi looking at you intently, a weird expression on his face almost like he was stuck in his thoughts. 
“What? Is everything okay?” You asked unsure, looking down at yourself. 
That’s when you realized. 
You were still wearing his hoodie, the one that had a massive red stain on it now thanks to the jackass at the club. 
You had completely forgotten about it. 
You quickly apologized, “Gavi I’m so sorry. Gia called and I was so worried so I grabbed the first thing I could find – and then the guy kept grabbing me and had this drink – anyways,” you let out a huff, “I’m really really sorry, I can buy you a new one.” 
Gavi stared at you in surprise, shocked by your outburst, “Y/n relax. It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry I know how much you love this sweatshirt.” 
Gavi shook his head slightly smiling, you were just so adorable, and he physically couldn’t hold back the words he’d been dying to say any longer, “I love you more though, so it’s fine.” 
“Wha-what?” You stumbled over your words, clearly not expecting such a big revelation.
“I said I love you.” He said it with so much confidence, almost like he was reciting a fact, something that couldn’t be changed, and you melted a little at how sure he sounded. 
You didn’t know what to say, your brain still playing those three words on a loop. He loved you. He had said it first. 
The silence stretched on and now it was his turn to get nervous, “Is that okay?”
Your mouth was still open in shock, but you quickly recovered, 
“Yo-you love me?” Your voice cracked. 
“Well, yeah… why would I not?” He asked, eyes locked on yours.
You shook your head, a smile gracing your features as you took a step closer to him, “I love you too, and I’m sorry-”
He cut you off with a sweet kiss, pulling you closer into him, as he slid his hands under the sweatshirt, fingers gently squeezing the soft flesh of your hips. 
Your lips moved in sync and your hands went to play with his hair, gently tugging. 
You heard him let out a groan and you bit his bottom lip instinctively. 
He pulled away out of breath, a dazed look in his eyes, “Joder, you can ruin all my hoodies if this is how you apologize.” He muttered breathlessly. 
You rolled your eyes, smiling as he brought you back into him for another kiss. 
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lordfries · 2 months ago
Now You See Me [Ch I]
Characters - Bucky x F reader
Summary - In the unforgiving deserts of North Africa, 1942, you’ve spent months proving yourself as a nurse in an army that doesn’t quite know what to make of you. When Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes arrives with a reputation for charm and easy confidence, he’s everything you don’t have time for—until the realities of war force your paths to cross.
Word Count - ~20,000 (so far!)
Warnings - Fluff, eventual smut, angst, war themes, descriptions of injury, blood. Reads fairly gender neutral for the most part, but it is written to be F!Reader and that'll show during future naughty scenes ... Unless the people request a gn option!
El Bucko doesn't show up until the second chapter, so I'll post that immediately after and link below... The tag is NYSM lordfries, for those that don't want to see updates for it.
If you want to get the latest chaps, they're up on my Ao3!
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You’re not entirely sure how this soldier has managed to get his left hand stuck inside an empty ordnance casing, but the absurdity of it hits you the moment you stride into the ward. Your jaw tightens, and your frown deepens as you take in the sight: a sheepish-looking young man sitting stiffly on the cot, his trapped arm resting awkwardly on his lap. When he sees you, he gives a small, apologetic wave with the encased hand.
His uniform is spotless, not a wrinkle in sight, and his boots gleam like they’ve just been polished—textbook “fresh recruit.” You suppress a sigh as you glance down at the clipboard in your hand, flipping a page for confirmation.
“Private…” you drawl, eyes flicking up to meet his as you find the name, “…Ambley, is it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” His voice is eager, the kind of politeness that makes you suspect he’s trying to soften the blow of whatever lecture might be coming his way.
You read aloud from the clipboard, tone flat. “Presenting here due to an ‘unfortunate miscalculation of hand-eye coordination’?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He nods earnestly, as if that’s a perfectly reasonable explanation.
“And when, exactly, did this… miscalculation occur?”
“This morning, ma’am. Just after oh-eight-hundred.”
You inhale deeply, pressing your thumb and forefinger to the bridge of your nose as if it might physically help you process the absurdity. A muffled groan escapes you before you lower the clipboard onto the cot beside him and crouch slightly to inspect his arm. He smells faintly of soap and clean linens—two luxuries that feel nearly foreign to you now.
“Private,” you begin, gripping the metal casing and giving it an experimental tug, “I’m going to assume you and your friends exhausted every possible solution before deciding to grace the infirmary with this… situation.”
“Oh, yes, ma’am. Absolutely. Me ‘n the boys tried everything we could think of.” He nods solemnly, rolling his shoulder with a theatrical wince. “It’s a bit sore now. Can’t be helped, I ‘spose.”
“Mhm.” Your scepticism is palpable.
This time, you pull harder, earning a strained grunt from the soldier.
Jesus… It’s really jammed in there.
You lean closer, tilting the contraption to get a better view as your brows furrow in frustration. For a moment, you try to imagine the sequence of events that led to this—was he just bored? Showing off? You almost laugh at the thought of him purposefully shoving his hand into the casing to avoid drills. The possibility feels less absurd the longer you think about it.
Still, you can’t entirely rule out that this was an accident. Maybe.
You straighten, tilting your head at Private Ambley as an idea begins to form. He watches you cautiously, the corners of his mouth twitching nervously at the sudden determination in your gaze.
“Stay here,” you instruct sharply, though there’s little chance he could wander off with his arm encased in half a bombshell. Grabbing the clipboard, you make a quick note before calling out to the orderly on duty.
“Corporal Ndoye!”
The man snaps to attention, leaning through the doorway. “Yes’m?”
“I need rifle oil, and plenty of it. Now.”
Ndoye raises a brow, looks past you to see Ambley grimacing and nods slowly. “D’accord. I’ll be right back.”
Private Ambley guffaws from behind you. ��Rifle oil? That shit’ll stain my uniform, and I only just got ‘em.”
You glance back at him, arching a brow. “And yet, you’ve managed to lodge yourself in an empty ordnance casing, Private. So unless you’d like me to requisition a hacksaw, I suggest you trust the process.”
The corporal returns with a battered tin of oil, handing it over with a bemused look. You roll up your sleeves and set to work, placing a tray on Ambley’s lap before tilting his arm to pour a generous stream of oil around the rim of the casing. The private flinches, his shoulders drooping as the sleeve of his uniform blossoms darkly with the spreading oil.
“This might take a minute,” you mutter, rotating his arm carefully to ensure the oil spreads evenly. He sniffles, a faint sound of resignation. “Private, I can guarantee you’ll be getting much more than just rifle oil on these sleeves before long. Hold still.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he croaks, looking like he’s already regretting every choice that led him here.
Once satisfied, you plant your feet firmly and take hold of the casing with both hands. “Alright, Private. On three. One… two…”
You yank sharply on two, catching him off guard. He yelps, jerking forward as the casing pops free, slipping out of your grip and clattering loudly onto the floor.
“Three,” you finish dryly, leaning down to retrieve the casing. Straightening, you hold up the greasy hunk of metal as Ambley cradles his liberated arm.
“You’re free to go,” you say, wiping your hands on a rag. “Though if I ever see you in here for something like this again, you’ll be scrubbing latrines for the rest of your deployment. And don’t even think about dripping that all over my floor.”
Ambley stares numbly at his oil-soaked arm, watching it drip into the tray. You return to your station, gathering your papers and reports.
“Uh, nurse?”
“… You’re still here, Private?”
“Can I get a towel?”
You sigh and pass him the rag, planting your hands on your hips as you watch him give a sheepish nod and shuffle out of the tent, dripping oil all the way to the exit.
The infirmary smells of antiseptic and dust, a strange mix of clean and gritty that clings to everything. You tighten your grip on a roll of gauze, shifting it deftly as you unwrap the old bandage from a soldier’s forearm. The work comes easily, your hands moving automatically, though your lips twitch at the sound of familiar footsteps.
“Bah, that Ambley.” Corporal Ndoye sighs, his voice carrying that signature mix of exasperation and amusement as he approaches. “Though, if there is a way to make a mess, I believe you will find it, no?”
You glance up briefly, raising an eyebrow. “If that were a talent, he’d be running this camp by now. Not me.”
Ndoye’s grin widens, showing teeth, and he leans casually against the edge of the nearest cot. “Perhaps he has hidden ambitions. One day, you will see, eh?”
You shake your head, tying off the fresh dressing with a precise knot. “If his ambitions involve using up the last of our supplies, then we’ll have a real problem.”
Ndoye chuckles, the sound rich and unhurried. “You are too kind,” he says, his tone amused. “The patience of a saint, I think. I would not last ten minutes with that one.”
“Patience has limits, Dan,” you reply, brushing past him to the supply cabinet. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company, but is there a reason you’re not at your post?”
Ndoye tilts his head, his hands resting loosely on his hips. “Ah, yes. I bring you news… Word around camp is that reinforcements are coming soon.”
You pause your ogling of the cabinet, glancing at him. “Reinforcements? From where? How many?” The thought twists uncomfortably in your mind, considering the lack of supplies and bare rations you’d all been living on already.
“From everywhere, it seems. America, England, Australie… Some from Brooklyn, even.” He smirks, tilting his head at you. You’d spoken to Ndoye of your hometown from time to time, describing the gritty streets, the scent of hot pretzels mingling with smoke from chimneys, and the way the borough never truly quiets, even in the dead of night. It was a world away from the sun-scorched camp you both now called home. He seemed to enjoy the stories too—a far cry from his quieter upbringing in Senegal. You’d grown fond of his stories as well, as fantastical and unbelievable as he often made them sound.
“Let me guess,” you say, raising an eyebrow. “Heroes in their own minds?”
Ndoye laughs, a deep and infectious sound. “Perhaps. Or perhaps just more men trying to survive, like all of us. We will see.”
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress a small smile, closing the supply cabinet and leaning on it. “If they’re anything like Ambley, I’m filing for an early discharge.”
“Oh, no, no,” Ndoye says, shaking his head dramatically. “You cannot leave me here alone with these men. Vous êtes ma préférée, tu sais.”
“Favoritism isn’t very becoming of you, Corporal,” you reply, though your voice softens and you find yourself smiling anyway. You nudge the side of his arm lightly before turning back to your inventory. “Now go make yourself useful before someone decides to put you on latrine duty. You’re too clever to be shoveling shit.”
“Yes’m.” He grins, saluting lazily as he turns on his heel and strolls back to his post outside the tent.
The afternoon sun beats down mercilessly, turning the sand outside the infirmary into a shifting, golden glare that makes your eyes ache. Inside, the air is no better. Dust clings to the canvas walls and settles on every surface, mixing with the ever-present smell of antiseptic and sweat. You’ve long given up wiping it away—it’s a losing battle.
You pause your work to stretch your back, glancing toward the small table in the corner where someone left a tin cup of water. It’s lukewarm by now, but you drink it anyway, grimacing as the metallic tang coats your tongue. It’s the same water everyone else drinks, hauled in barrels from god-knows-where, and you try not to think about the strange taste.
Outside, the low murmur of voices drifts through the heavy air, punctuated by bursts of laughter that sound more forced than genuine. The men joke and jeer to pass the time, their voices rising and falling like the hum of insects in the desert heat.
You turn back to your task: reorganising the dwindling supply shelf. A neat row of bandages sits next to a tin of aspirin that’s been half-empty for weeks. The morphine ration is nearly gone, and you dread what will happen when the next serious injury comes in. A stack of neatly folded linens catches your eye, and you count them twice to be sure. Six. Barely enough to get through the week, let alone any emergencies.
A shadow falls across the tent, and you glance up to find Corporal Ndoye leaning against the entrance, his usual grin replaced with a more contemplative expression.
“Two visits from you this week. Now I really am starting to feel like a favourite. Is it a blister this time?” you ask, not bothering to hide your smirk as you set the needle down.
“Non,” he replies, stepping inside. “Though I am sure one of these fools will come running in with something soon. It’s been… quiet.”
The way he says it makes you pause. Quiet wasn’t always a relief in places like this—it could be the kind that preceded a storm.
You nod toward the supply shelf. “Quiet or not, we’re running low on just about everything. Any word on when those reinforcements might actually arrive?” You silently pleaded that with reinforcements, also came supplies.
He exhales, crossing his arms. “Two days, per’aps three. That is the rumour.”
“Rumours don’t fill stomachs or replace bandages,” you mutter, tugging at the edge of your apron nervously.
He chuckles softly, though there’s no humour in it. “No, they do not. But they give the men something to talk about. That is important, no?”
You open your mouth to respond, but the sound of raised voices from outside cuts through the moment. Ndoye’s head tilts sharply, his expression hardening. Without another word, he strides toward the tent’s entrance, and you follow, curiosity prickling at your thoughts.
Outside, two soldiers stand chest-to-chest, their faces red with anger. One of them, a wiry young private whose name you can’t recall, gestures toward the water barrel while the other—a broad-shouldered corporal—glares down at him.
“I told you,” the corporal snaps, his voice low and sharp. “You’re done. Don’t take more than your share.”
“It’s my turn!” the private shoots back, his voice cracking with desperation. “You’ve been hogging it all morning!”
Ndoye steps between them before you can intervene, his presence commanding immediate attention. He doesn’t shout—he doesn’t need to. The corporal mutters something under his breath, backing off with a scowl, while the private stumbles away, muttering to himself.
The tension lingers in the air as Ndoye turns back to you, folding his arms across his broad chest. “Reinforcements cannot come soon enough.”
You nod, glancing toward the horizon. The camp feels smaller than ever, its routines fraying under the weight of too many days and too few resources. You wonder, not for the first time, if new faces will truly ease the strain—or if they’ll simply add to the burden.
The mess tent is stuffy, the heavy canvas walls barely blocking out the relentless afternoon sun. The air is thick with the smell of old coffee and damp fabric, and every seat at the makeshift tables is filled. Soldiers crowd together, some leaning forward on their elbows, others sitting back with arms crossed. You linger near the back, clipboard in hand, the edge digging into your palm as you try to gauge the mood.
The commanding officer stands at the head of the tent, his silhouette sharp against the light streaming in through the open flap behind him. Captain Barlow is a wiry man, all angles and precision, his voice clipped and sharp as he addresses the gathered men.
“As most of you have heard by now,” he begins, his tone brisk, “we’re expecting reinforcements within the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
A murmur ripples through the room, and you catch snippets of conversation.
“’Bout time.”
“Think they’ll bring any decent food?”
“Bet it’s just more green recruits.”
Barlow raises a hand, and the voices die down. “Before anyone gets too comfortable with the idea, let me remind you that this isn’t a pleasure cruise. The reinforcements are here to bolster operations, not babysit. Supplies will remain tight until the next convoy arrives, so don’t expect miracles.”
That earns a few groans, and someone mutters loudly enough for everyone to hear, “Then what’s the point?”
Barlow’s gaze snaps to the speaker, a young private sitting near the middle. The room goes silent. “The point, Private, is that they’ll be picking up where some of your comrades left off. Or would you like to volunteer for double patrol duty instead?”
The private shrinks under the weight of the captain’s glare, mumbling a half-hearted apology.
Barlow exhales sharply, turning his attention back to the group. “We’ll be taking in a mixed contingent—American, British, and Free French. Among them is a sergeant who’s been noted for his leadership in field operations. I expect you to show the same respect you’d show your own.”
You notice a few raised eyebrows at that. Soldiers already worn thin by heat and hunger don’t tend to take kindly to new authority figures, especially ones with reputations that precede them. It also meant yet another officer for you to size up and promptly keep out of your infirmary’s business.
Someone from the far end of the table speaks up. “What about supplies? Are they bringing any extra rations, or are we supposed to stretch what little we’ve got?”
Barlow hesitates for the briefest moment before answering. “They’ll have their own initial provisions, but until the convoy gets through, we’re all operating on limited resources. Make it work.”
The tension in the room ratchets up another notch. A sergeant seated nearby folds his arms across his chest, his voice low and rough. “Reckon that means they’ll be eating our bread and sleeping in our cots. Nice of them.”
“Sure that shit’s mouldy, but it’s our mouldy bread.”
A smattering of bitter laughter follows, but it’s cut short by Barlow slamming his hand down on the table.
“That’s enough,” he barks. “These men are coming to do a job, the same as you. If anyone has a problem with that, they can see me directly.” His gaze sweeps the room, daring anyone to challenge him. No one does.
You feel the weight of their frustration pressing against your own unease. The reinforcements could be a lifeline, but they could just as easily upset the fragile balance the camp has clung to. Your mind drifts to the dwindling supply cabinet.
“Dismissed,” Barlow says finally, and the room begins to empty, soldiers filing out in clusters. The low hum of complaints picks up again as soon as they’re outside, the tension spilling back into the open air.
You linger near the edge of the tent, watching as Ndoye approaches, his expression unreadable.
“Thoughts?” he asks, leaning casually against one of the wooden poles supporting the structure.
You shrug, though the knot in your stomach betrays your attempt at nonchalance. “Hard to say. Would be nice to have some more hands on deck, mix things up. But I don’t know… They’re being incredibly vague about the supplies.”
He hums in agreement, his dark eyes scanning the dispersing crowd. “You’re not wrong. New faces bring new stories, new tempers. But perhaps they bring something else, too. Hope, maybe.”
You snort softly. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Ndoye tilts his head, his lips curving into a faint smile. “Always the skeptic.”
“Always the realist,” you correct. “This isn’t my first rodeo.”
“Rodeo?” Ndoye tilts his head as you turn to leave.
“Rodeo. Erm… Horses, whips and cowboys and… You’ve really never heard of a rodeo?” You grin in disbelief, placing your hands on your hips.
“Why would you be whipping cowboys?” His eyes bore into you earnestly, though a smirk tugs on his lips.
“Relax, mon chou. I jest.” He winks, striding past you. “Made you smile, though.”
You resolve to return to the infirmary. The supplies need organising again, and there’s no telling how the next few days will unfold.
Chapter II
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regthomas1728 · 2 months ago
Confidence is Underrated, Humility is Overrated
That title is misleading. This is to any of the writers who are waiting until they think their writing has to reach a certain level of "awesomeness" before they can share it with others for editing, beta reading, and/or publishing.
You are going to want to share your writing before you write it. I know. I understand. The issue? Your writing looks like shit! (Not really, this is just the critique in each of us telling us we could never be a good author or writer.) You think you can't share it until you've attained damn near perfection!
Let me tell you, this simply isn't true. HOWEVER! If you'd like a few quick and dirty tips to make your writing a slight bit better before trusting yourself to share your story, I've included a few things below.
1.) Take a break from your writing.
Work on another project or don't write a single word on anything. Either way, give yourself and your mind a break. Try a few days or a week for a good cleanse. When you open the document back up, change the size and font of your story then reread it. Go through and make comments or use parentheses for commentary as to what you want to change or fix. If you have time, you can wait even longer than a week! I've done this with a few works, a few times. I've waited a year before touching a WIP. It's up to you.
Another thing: sometimes the person and writer we are now isn't the person and writer that needs to create your story idea. Sometimes, you need to grow and mature a bit before you can touch that idea. That's okay, too.
2.) Know your strengths and weaknesses.
If you know you suck at keeping to one tense or one perspective, write that down. Reread your work with that ONE goal in mind. Don't approach two or more unless you can multitask. Even then, you may miss some and you'll need to be okay with that. You aren't perfect and no one expects you to be.
3.) Utilize Resources
Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube, and many more will teach you grammar if you're willing to learn it. In fact! I'll hold grammar lessons any time for any one FOR FREE if you want to learn and apply it to your own writing. I have plenty of textbooks and plenty of resources to help anyone who wants it. Pinterest includes hot tips, Tumblr includes detailed descriptions and people who are willing to help, and Youtube holds lessons.
Find what works for you and get down to business. If you really want to improve, you'll take the time to learn. And be patient with yourself when you don't get it immediately.
4.) "The BIGGER the issue, the smaller you write"
Think of the war scene in the first Mulan movie. There's a burning/burnt village int he background and what's int he foreground? That child's toy. A doll. It shows how evil the opposition was, that they could kill a child and leave her toy next to a soldier's helmet. The opposition not only didn't care for the innocent lives they were taking but they were cruel enough to mock our protagonists with a dead child's toy. We saw so much more with that than we ever could if they'd shown the burning village. We could only guess the horrors but with that picture set, we don't have to guess how cruel the opposition is. We know.
This also goes into the "Show don't tell" thing and I'm not gonna get into that right now because plenty of people have. I feel like it's still strongly debated because everyone has their own method.
5.) "There is/was"
I saw a tip saying to search up every instance of "there is" or "there was" and rewrite it. They said it helps "declump" the writing.
Ex. "There is a strike of lightning" becomes "Lightning strikes the sky"
In my opinion, the "there" isn't what's bad. But, you are making the action happen quicker? I don't know if that makes sense. It sounds better because the lightning is actively striking rather than a strike is happening "Oh and it's lightning". Make your action active rather than just happening.
Hope this helps. I have a few more tips but this is a good start.
Keep in mind that the first draft is so the story exists and makes sense to you. The second draft is to make sense to your beta reader/free audience and to make it functional. The third draft is to achieve the goal you set when starting this journey. You can create more drafts than three. Some steps take longer than others.
Regine Thomas Tumblr Arse | With (His) Spunk [email protected]
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you-know-i-get-itt · 4 months ago
favourite jeremy know hcs? since you are clearly having Thoughts about him
i adore you. okay so
he listens to heavy metal. this is very important
his favorite shakespeare play used to be hamlet when he was younger (esp in his freshman year because it helped him get through stuff) but it isn't anymore and he doesn't really have a clear favorite
he has in the past been in a fistfight defending romeo and juliet (or just shakespeare in general)
he is incapable of letting people help him ever because he's convinced that the fact that there are other people who need more help than him means he doesn't deserve to be helped at all
he received an offer from the foxes but picked the trojans because obv
he's a terrible cook. like TERRIBLE. he isn't allowed to make anything in catlaila's kitchen because he has destroyed things in there in the past
he tried baking cookies for laila's birthday once and burnt them to a crisp
he was fascinated by psychology at school but got annoyed when he tried reading a bit of the textbook because it was too dehumanising
i don't know how much of an hc this is, but he is incapable of sleeping late. this is for a very elaborate reason i will not elaborate on unless asked because it could get long
he's 2 years sober, going on 3
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